- Drynaria mollisn. 毛槲蕨
- Tissue Culture of Hamamelis mollis Oliv. 金缕梅的组织培养。
- Objectie: To study the chemical components of Drynaria fortunei. 目的:研究骨碎补的化学成分。
- Pellentesque eu turpis eget mauris mollis rutruml lenes. 形意五行拳 Proin laoreet lectus nec elit.
- Objectie: To study the optimum extraction of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. 目的:研究骨碎补的提取工艺。
- A kind of new symbiotic nitrogen fixing plant -- Elaeagnus mollis Diels. 一种新的共生固氮植物 -- 翅果油树.
- Objective To study the different extraction condition on naringin content in Drynaria extract. 目的考察不同提取条件对骨碎补浸膏中柚皮苷含量的影响。
- Medlar therapeutic use of 10 grams, 15 grams Drynaria, continued off 10 grams, 50 grams yi meters. 骨折病人对饮食没有特殊限制,就是不要吸烟。
- The aspic withdraws the essence, the Bolivian uric acid, Hamamelis mollis extract fluid. 薰衣草提取精华,玻尿酸,金缕梅萃取液。
- The Elaeagnus mollis seed oil was extracted by Soxhlet extraction,and the oil yield was 32.50%. 采用索氏提取法提取翅果油树种子油;其出油率为32.;50%25。
- Results The optimal extraction solution for Drynaria extract was water,and the loss of naringin enhan ced with the increase of drying temperature... 结论该研究可为含骨碎补复方制剂的提取工艺、剂型选择和质量标准研究提供参考。
- Furthermore, the strategies for protection of E. mollis are discussed in this paper. 此外,针对翅果油树的濒危现状和原因,还提出了科学保护对策。
- J.Sm Drynaria propinqua Wall.Ex Mett.Bedd Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching Davallia divaricata Hay Humata griffithiana Hook.C. 骨碎补 槲蕨 光叶槲蕨 崖姜 大叶骨碎补 杯状盖骨碎补 海州骨碎补 鑑别 Gusuibu Drynaria fortunei kze.
- Elacagnus mollis is one of Chinese endemic plants and it is considered an endangered plant on the brink of extinction. 摘要翅果油树为我国特有的濒危植物,已列为国家二级重点保护树种。
- The oil was esterified and then analyzed by GC-MS.11 fatty acids were identified in Elaeagnus mollis seed oil. 翅果油树种子油经甲酯化处理后用GC-MS分析和鉴定其组成和相对含量。
- The county has Elaeagnus mollis products, is the world's rare plants of the edible oils and fats. 本县特产有翅果油树,是世界上稀有的食用油脂植物。
- As he was in the act of getting up from his fall, he saw for the first time the leaves of the Arnica mollis. 在华盛顿山,在塔克曼谷底梭罗跌了一跤,扭伤了脚,就在他试图站起的时候,一眼看到的就是治这种损伤的植物。
- Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) is a common medicine in department of orthopaedics and traumaology,more researches about it recently,including basic theory,pharmaco and clinical study. 骨碎补为骨伤科常用药物,近年来研究活跃,研究内容包括基础、药理与临床,而且分子生物学机制方面也已起步。本文就骨碎补的最近研究进行概述。
- Manuel C. Mollis,2001:Ecology: Concept and applications. Prentice Hall Companies, Inc. 曲仲湘等,植物生态学(第二版),高等教育出版社,北京,1983
- OBJECTIVE:To optimize the conditions for the extraction and purification of the active components of Epimedium Herb and Drynaria in Gugu sustained-release capsules. 目的:优选固骨缓释胶囊中淫羊藿、骨碎补有效部位提取和分离纯化工艺的最佳条件。