- Duan Xue Liu Capsules 断血流胶囊
- Xue Liu, Professor, PKU Guanghua School of Management 刘学,北京大学光华管理学院教授
- She paid a call on Aunt Liu on her way home. 她在回家的路上去看望了刘大婶。
- One day she happened to run across Xiao liu. 有一天她碰巧见到小刘了。
- "Xiao Liu!" He cried. But she was gone. 他叫道:"小刘!"但她已经不在了。
- Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting. 刘厂长主持会议,宣布开会。
- Mr. Liu, I hope you do not mind your meat well- do. 刘先生,我希望你不介意肉烤得很熟。
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生吗?我是刘文。
- Xue Guang has three wives, nee Zhang, Liu and Wang. Liu has a son called Qige. 薛广有妻张氏,妾刘氏和王春娥,刘生子名倚哥。
- Presently Xiao Liu rose and left the room to relieve himself. 没多久,小刘站起身,出去解手了。
- All the solutions are to be put up in capsules. 所有这些药水都将装在胶囊里。
- Originated from Xue Xuan, the thought and movement became more and more accommodated to the Guanzhong district, by the efforts of Xie's disciples, Duan Jian and Zhou Hui. 关中讲学渊源于明初薛瑄,经私淑薛瑄的关中学者段坚、周蕙的宣导而趋于本土化。
- The capsules of the synovial joints are lax. 滑液关节的关节囊都是松弛的。
- This Duan Qingdao conclusion time . 这段情到了结束的时候.
- Tojingbu Xue Points of Head and Neck, EX-HN. 头颈部穴。
- The capsules of plants have dehisced. 植物蕨果已裂开。
- Wo de xin ye piao zhe xue And my heart is snowing. 我的心也飘着雪。
- Xiongfubu Xue Points of Chest and Abdomen, Ex-CA. 胸腹部穴。
- New Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai Come Out. 新版林黛玉、薛宝钗新鲜出炉!
- Capsules oblong, ca. 1.4 cm, pilose. 蒴果长圆形,长约1.;4厘米,被长柔毛。