- nicolas favre disease 鼠蹊淋巴肉芽肿
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。
- He was found in incurable disease. 他被查出得了不治之症。
- Have the children been in contact with disease? 孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?
- Is there a link between smoking and lung disease? 吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗?
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- Well, it didn't happen that way," Durand says. 得好,没有发生这样, “杜兰德说。
- There is no certain cure for this disease. 这种病没有特效药。
- The common cold idles more people than any other disease. 普通的感冒比其他疾病能使更多的人无法工作。
- And Nicolas Darvas is my investing hero. 和尼古拉斯达瓦斯是我的投资英雄。
- A lay opinion as to the seriousness of the disease. 关于这种疾病的非专业的意见
- His shot was well saved by goalkeeper Nicola. 他的球被守门员尼古拉成功地救起。
- Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。
- I had a practice with Nicolas Kiefer. 偶跟尼古拉斯基弗练了球。
- The disease results in creeping paralysis. 这种病可发展成脊髓痨。
- Nicola gabbled on about her boyfriend for hours. 尼古拉喋喋不休地谈论她的男朋友有好几个小时了。