- Dynamic orbit determination 动力法定轨
- Dynamics orbit determination 动力学定轨
- The mathematic model of orbit determination of GPS satellite using zero-difference data is deduced in detail. 详细推导了利用非差伪距和非差相位确定GPS卫星轨道的数学模型;
- MOYER T D.Mathematical Formulation of the Double-precision Orbit Determination Program[R].[s.l.]:[s.n.],1971. 李济生.;人造卫星精密轨道确定
- VLBI monitoring system worked well during the orbit determination of theChang'E-1 Lunar Probe. VLBI台站监管系统在嫦娥探月 一期工程实施期间运行稳定、可靠,对VLBI测轨任务的圆满完成起到了积极的作用。
- GPS-based orbit determination is nowadays one of the hotspots in satellite geodesy studies. 星载GPS定轨是目前卫星大地测量研究的热点之一。
- An autonomous satellite attitude and orbit determination system based on the stellar refraction measurement is described. 摘要研究了基于星光折射量测进行自主确定卫星姿态及轨道的方法。
- After comparison with overlay pass, other ephemeris and propagation, it was analyzed the orbit determination and propagation accuracy of LP. 通过重叠弧段比较、外部星历比较以及预报比较,我们分析了LP的定轨和预报精度。
- Autonomous orbit determination of navigation constellation plays an important role in increasing autonomy of constellation. 实现导航星座的自主定轨对提高星座自主性具有主要意义。
- Several individual and combined techniques including BRTS,VLBI,CEI and GPS are presented and analyzed for tracking and orbit determination for geostationary satellites. 介绍并分析了针对地球静止卫星的各种高精度测定轨跟踪技术。
- The definition, characteristics and mathematical model of pseudo-stochastic pulses utilized in reduced-dynamic orbit determination are systematically analyzed. 摘要研究了简化动力学定轨方法中伪随机脉冲的定义、特征及估计的数学模型。
- The problems encountered when using Kalman filter for satellite precise orbit determination are discussed.And a new nonlinear adaptively robust filter is proposed. 摘要讨论了应用卡尔曼滤波进行卫星精密定机所遇到的一些问题,提出了一种新的非线性自适应抗差滤波定轨算法。
- The experiment result with real measurement shows that the new method can be used in real time autonomous satellite orbit determination with high accuracy. 实测数据的计算结果表明,新的定轨方法可以实时自主地得出卫星轨道的位置,并能达到较高的定轨精度。
- The refraction error is a main error source in the measurementdata.It is also a main factor affecting the satellite tracking and control accuracy and orbit determination accuracy. 摘要折射误差是观测数据包含的主要误差源之一,也是影响卫星跟踪与控制以及轨道确定精度的主要因素。
- The new version of J77 is found to be obviously advantageous to the precision orbit determination of ERS-1, which is at the height of 800km, compared with other atmospheric models. 并将其应用于高度为800公里ERS-1卫星的轨道计算,结果表明:修订后的J77模型比其它大气模型在测轨精度上有明显改善。
- Considering the precision of the star table and the sensitive apparatus and the calibrated large field of view star sensors,the correction of starlight direction and nonspherical earth,the precision of the orbit determination is from 100m to 150m . 考虑到星表、敏感仪器和仪器标定精度,星光大气折射改正以及地球非球形几何改正,其定轨精度估计可达100m-150m。
- The error sources in GPS-based orbit determination and the accuracies of GPS satellite ephemerides are analyzed. The usage of GPS clock offsets in GPS-based orbit determination is discussed. 分析了星载GPS定轨的误差源及IGS所提供的星历的精度,研究了GPS卫星钟差在星载GPS低轨卫星定轨中的应用问题。
- With the method, the accuracy of c a rrier phase-based relative orbit determination may attain the order of a few de cimeter from the results calculated by using data collected from GPS/DR onboard TOPEX/POSEIDON. 该方法应用于TOPEX/PO SEIDON卫星星载GPS实测数据 ,可得到分米级的定轨精度
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- The realization of square-root information filtering and smoothing in orbit determination software is discussed, a new real-time quality control method based on SRIF/SRIS is presented. 摘要从均方根信息滤波和平滑的基本原理出发,结合卫星定轨的实际特征,导出了其在精密定轨软件中实现的详细公式;