- Dynamic panel data model's setup in fixed-effect dynamic model 动态平行数据模型中固定效应模型的模型设定问题
- dynamic panel data model 动态面板数据模型
- Dynamic panel data 动态面板数据模型
- Dynamical Panel Data Model 动态面板数据模型
- You can use Limdep, stata or sas/IML to do panel data analysis in this case. 40帮我看看,这样的数据能做面板分析吗?,经济,经济学论坛,经济论坛,经济学,在职研究生
- By using dynamic provincial panel data with two-step system GMM method, this paper estimates and analyzes the effect of dependence ratio on savings rate on the basis of Life-cycle Hypothesis. 摘要在生命周期理论假说基础上,文章运用二步系统GMM方法对中国省际动态面板数据进行估计,并分析了抚养负担对储蓄率的影响。
- To see a sample containing a flyout menu created using a dynamic panel, visit this blog entry. 访问博客可以看到一个通过动态面板创建的包含弹出菜单的示例。
- Double-clicking a dynamic panel in a wireframe will open the DynamicPanel State Manager dialog. 在线框中双击一个动态面板将打开DynamicPanelStateManager"动态面板状态管理器"对话框。
- Once open, panel states can be designed like any other wireframe. A blue dashed outline on the wireframe indicates the boundaries of the dynamic panel. 打开后,面板状态可以像任何线框一样进行设计。线框上的蓝色虚线轮廓表示动态面板的边界。
- Jeffrey M Wooldridge,"Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data",The MIT press. 古扎拉蒂:计量经济学基础(第四版).;中国人民大学出版社
- Wooldridge,J.M.,2002,“Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data”,The MIT Press. 吴卫星;齐天翔.;流动性、生命周期与投资组合相异性--中国投资者行为调查实证分析[J]
- Wooldridge, J.M..Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,1999. 根据的相关数据计算得到.
- This paper's econometric analysis of household level panel data from China largely corroborates these theoretical propositions. 本文利用面板数据的计量分析在很大程度上证明了后悔效应的存在。
- The paper empirically studies the impact of foreign trade and FDI on China's environment pollution with panel data through 2000-2005 from 30 provinces. 文章通过中国30个省(市、区)2000-2005年面板数据,对FDI与外贸的环境污染效应进行了实证分析。
- Basing on data are from eight Asian countries, this paper use nonstationary panel data to research the Growth &Concentration of Banks by competed. 本文基于亚洲国家或地区的相关数据,运用非稳定面板数据计量方法研究银行集中与经济增长的关系。
- Using a panel data set of 817 firms listed in the Taft Corporate Giving Directory from 1987 to 1999, we find strong support for these arguments. 使用一个1987至1999年塔夫特企业名录中的817家上市公司的面板数据,我们发现数据强烈支持这些论点。
- This paper explores the effect of integration of trade and investment on the R&D investments by panel data model and principal components analysis. 本文利用面板数据模型,结合主成分分析法,研究了中国贸易投资一体化对研发投入的影响。
- Toggle Visibility for Panel(s): Shows or hides dynamic panels based on their current visiblity. 切换面板的可见性:按照面板当前的可见性显示或隐藏动态面板。
- Interaction Actions are available to hide, show, and change the state of dynamic panels. 动态面板的交互动作包括隐藏,显示和改变动态面板的状态。
- Frantzen.D.The Causality between R&D and Productivity in Manufacturing:An International Disaggregate Panel Data Study[J].International Review of Applied Economics,2003,17(2). 2004年;电子及通信设备制造业研发投资占高技术产业研发投资比重为64.;54%25;电子计算机及办公设备制造业比重为13