- Dynamic schedule policy 动态调度算法
- Research on the Dynamic Schedule Optimization of Construction Project on the Condition of Minimum Cost/Maximum Benefit. 费用最低/收益最大条件下的工程项目动态进度优化研究
- The VirtualOS also provides a schedule policy for emulation of sensor nodes to execute more concurrently. 此虚拟作业系统提供一个排程策略使得仿真感测节点能够更并行的执行。
- In Grid Database, the schedule policy of query plan based on Directer Acyclicgraph (DAG) is mainly adopted, which overlooks the data relation between subquery and nodes. 网格数据库中主要采用基于有向无环图(DAG)的查询计划建模方式,该方法由于不考虑子查询与节点的数据关系,因而对子查询在节点的优化调度方面支持不足。
- A synthetic dynamic schedule scheme, integrating with man-machine interactive and combining with many methods, is presented and applied in steelmaking and continuous casting schedule system. 本文提出了人机协调、多种方法组合、四维一体综合集成的动态调度方案,并在开发炼钢连铸调度系统中得到了具体的应用。
- Compared with First Come First Service (FCFS), Short Request First (SRF) and Dynamic Earliest Deadline First (DEDF) policy. The results show that the Dynamic Priority Scheduling Policy can enhance the Web QOS by increasing just a little response time. 将DPSP策略和先来先服务策略FCFS、短作业优先策略SRF及DEDF策略进行了比较,结果表明动态优先级调度策略可以在响应时间增量相对较小的同时显著提高WWW的服务质量。
- What scheduling policies are provided? 需要提供哪些调度策略?
- Dynamic scheduling algorithm for real-time multiprocessor systems is an important subject in real-time system research. 实时多处理器系统的动态调度算法一直是实时系统研究中的重要课题。
- Methods Propose a novel buffering and scheduling scheme with FDL,namely data bursts delay scheduling policy. 方法提出了一种新的光迟延线(FDL)缓冲调度方法,即突发延滞调度策略。
- In addition, a hierarchic algorithm is proposed to solve the dynamic scheduling of the model. 而下达的静态调度计划仅仅作为生产的参考。
- Static Segregation Scheduling Policy(SSSP) can’t allocate server resources efficiently. 摘要 静态分离式调度策略(SSSP)不能有效地分配服务器资源。
- The algorithm provides a chance to simplify FMS dynamic scheduling and improve system productivity. 此算法为简化FMS的动态调度和提高系统生产率创造了条件。
- Because there are many abrupt changes and uncertainty factors in production scheduling process, prompt and effective dynamic schedule is a key of success or failure in steelmaking and continuous casting schedule. 在生产调度的过程中存在许多突变和不确定性因素,怎样及时有效进行动态调度,是炼钢连铸调度成败的关键。
- Or it may require coding a custom scheduling plug-in that must be applied to each job queue for which the scheduling policy is to be applied. 也许这需要编写一个定制的调度插件,它必须适用于该调度策略所使用的所有作业队列。
- Especially carried on the elaboration for the processes running mechanism,security policy,scheduling policy and correspondence policy in this system. 着重从系统各进程的运行机制、安全策略、调度策略和通信策略等方面进行阐述。
- The two-tier end-to-end dynamic scheduling model is put forward, and its implementation and performance test are given out. 作者为此提出了一个端到端的两层动态实时调度模型,并给出了其具体实现和性能分析。
- A dynamic scheduling method for aperiodic soft real-time systems is introduced, which is based on DM scheduling algorithm. 本文介绍了一种针对非周期软实时系统的动态调度方法。
- After the basic theory of ACA is introduced,a multiprocessors scheduling policy based on an improved ant colony algorithm is proposed in this paper. 在介绍蚁群算法基本原理以及探讨该算法的缺陷基础上,针对多处理器任务调度问题,提出了一种基于改进型蚁群算法的调度策略。
- A rolling horizon procedure (RHP) is used in solving a kind of single-machine dynamic scheduling problems with release times. 摘要将滚动时域方法用于一类单机动态调度问题,对其调度子问题进行改进。
- Defining the periodic task model for weakly hard system, the PV-RM scheduling algorithm is presented on the basis of RM scheduling policy. 摘要在定义弱硬实时系统周期任务模型的基础上,提出基于RM调度策略的弱硬实时调度算法PV-RM。