- T h e c a r w a s q u i t e o l d , y e t i t w a s i n e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . 2)转折(拐弯抹角)批评某人缺点的时候,我们总习惯先拐弯抹角说说他的优点,然后转入正题,再说缺点,这种方式虽然阴险了点,可毕竟还比较容易让人接受。
- This paper discussed the role of the protective Vitamins E and C and the UVA and UVB filters. 讨论了维生素E、C及UVA、UVB防晒剂的作用。
- During normal 80X86 operation (AEN=0), latches A and C and the multiplexer (E) provide address bus bits A19-A16 and A7-A0. 在80X86通常的操作情况下,地址总线的第0-7位和第 16-19位由锁存器A,C和多路复用器E提供。
- 86 n e t i f r e c e i v e s k b ( skb ) ; 调用系统函数通知上层协议驱动数据包的到来。
- One species: C and SW Asia, E Europe. 一种:亚洲中部和西南部的,欧洲东部。
- Vitamins E and C are called antioxidants. 维他命e和C被称作抗氧化剂,
- The ALD in group D was lower than that of group B and C and the difference was significant (P<0.05). D组ALD水平降低;与B组和C组比较;差异有统计学意义(P<0.;05)。
- The ALT in group D was lower than that of group B and C and the differences were also significant (P<0.05). D组ALT水平低于B组和C组;差异均有统计学意义(P<0.;05)。
- S u c c e s s o r t o.A n d rex and Phil ips Ind u strial X. YXLON 出品的工业级图象增强器特别为无损.;检测的需求而设计,可应用于各种不同的领域。
- Genotypes B,C and D were detected in this region. Genotypes B and C were the majority genotypes of HBV, Adr? adw2? HBV基因型 B、C和 D均存在 ,其中 B和 C为优势基因型 ;
- For the adverse reactions, the dyspnea in Group A was absolutely less than that in Group B and C and the differences were obvious (P<0.05). 不良反应:A组呼吸困难明显少于B、C组;有显著性差异(P<0.;05)。
- One species: C and SW Asia, E Europe, naturalized elsewhere. 一种:在别处的亚洲中部和西南部,E欧洲,归化。
- C and C Office Relocation Services, LLC - Highlights services in complete office relocations, modular furniture reconfigurations, and small job moves. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- ..:::P i e c e s o f a D r e a m:::...b x x Courting Diva Unclothed Diva s...j /k 其实之前根本不知道 是今天... 会去film festival做volunteer只是想在resume上多点东西 我的个性是不可能做白工的q.
- Potato known as potatoes, protein, carbohydrate, iron, vitamin B and C and other substances. With detoxification, anti-inflammatory and other functions. 只要三,四句介绍就够了。(就如:土豆又称马铃薯,含蛋白质、碳水化物、铁、维生素B和C等物质。具有解毒、消炎等功能。)就可以拉。就是不知道英语怎么说。。。
- IT]Studio DS di De Pieri G. e C. 人均页读数:Page Views per user for [STUDIODS.
- Magnesium (1,915 mg/Kg). Assists with the assimilation of vitamins B and C and also some proteins. A deficiency may lead to muscular and cardiac problems. 镁:帮助吸收维生素C;B群及蛋白色质.;缺乏镁可能造成心脏问题及肌肉萎缩
- From the perspective of functionalist approaches, this thesis is to provide some practical translation strategies for C - E translation of public signs. 本文旨在从功能翻译理论的角度,为公示语的汉英翻译提供一些可行的翻译策略。
- H i a l g f y f. I a c w a t c e o i. I h i c b h. 雪莉:这是给你们家的一点小礼物。是一本台历,上面列出了所有的社区活动。希望这能对你们有帮助。
- I o n c e d r e a m e d o f y o u ..... 平静地关注着,平静地思考着,平静地努力着,平静的期许着。