- Modern Encyclopaedia Of Educational Administration (Set Of 5 Vols. 教育行政管理现代百科全书(5卷集)
- Educational administration information is the only way for improving the level of educational administration. 教学管理信息化是提高教学管理水平的必由之路。
- Only by this, can we attain the purpose of legalizing the educational administration in the system. 惟其如此,才能在制度上达到教育行政管理法治化之目的。
- W.K.Hoy &C.G.Miskel (1978), Educational administration :theory, research, and Practice, N.Y.: Random House. 杨国枢等(1978);社会及行为科学研究法;台北市:东华书局.
- Hoy, W.K. &Miskel, C.G. (1996), Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice (5th ed), N.Y. 黄昆辉(1980);台北市高职教师态度与教学问题之调查分析;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所集刊;022(000);0189-0330.
- W.K.Hoy &C.G.Miskel (1982), Educational administration:theory, research, and practice. (2nd ed.), N.Y.: Random House. 郭生玉(1981);心理与教育研究法;台北市:大世纪出版社.
- We advocate building more schools to provide mo Safety e education opportunities for children. 我们主张多建几所学校;给孩子们提供更多受教育的机会.
- Hoy, W.K. and Miskel, C.G. (1996). Educational administration:Theory, research, and practice. New York:McGraw-Hill. 知识管理策略运用(周欣欣译)。台北市:华彩软体。(原著出版年:2000年)
- Sergiovanni is the representative scholar of contemporary non-mainstream subjectivism in educational administration. 萨乔万尼是当代非主流的主观主义教育管理学派的代表人物。
- The P president's E education R reform L law, the No Child Left Behind Act, expended expanded testing as way to measure results. 总统的教育改革法及不落下一个孩子的法令扩展了考试作为测试结果的手段。
- The author also studied the more valid construction method and the technique WLAN, and how to serve the school educational administration activity. 研究无线网络更有效的建设方式和技术方法,以及如何服务于学校教务活动。
- Secretary of e Education , Margaret Spellings also spoke. She said the government will propose that states used the same methods when reporting graduation rates. 教育秘书玛格丽特斯贝林也发了言。她说政府必须保证各个州在计算毕业率的时候使用相同的手段。
- The B/S structure can be used to safely and effectively design and control the teaching management and educational administration through internet. 采用B/S结构的开发模式,可安全、有效地对网络化教务教学管理信息系统进行设计和实现。
- Hodgkinson thinks that educational administration is just a Praxis Philosophy related to the values conflict and reconciliation. 价值又可以区分为三个层级和四种不同的类型,不同类型以及同一层级的价值总是处于相互冲突之中。
- Krug, S. E. (1992). Instructional leadership: A constructive perspective. Educational Administration Quarterly, 28(3), 430-443. 教育领导-建构论的观点(叶淑宜译)。台北:桂冠。
- Bridges.E.M. (1967), A model for shared decision making in the school principalship, Educational Administration Quarterly, 3(1), 49-61. 张德锐(1992);国民小学校长行政表现、组织气氛、组织效能调查研究;新竹:先登出版社.
- Wayne K. Hoy &Sharon I. R. Clover, (1986), Elementary School Climate:A Revision of the OCDQ, Educational Administration Quarterly, 22(), 94-107. 林山太(1986);高中校长行政决定运作方式与学校气氛之关系;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所;硕士论文;已出版.
- Wayne K. Hoy &Cecil G. Miskel, (1982), Educational Administration: Theoy, Research, and Practice, 2nd ed., N.Y: Random House. 陈奎熹(1976);学校组织之社会学分析;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所集刊第十八辑;196;:国立台湾师范大学.
- Hoy , W .K ., &Miskel , C .G . (1996), Educational administration : Theory , research , and practice ( 5th ed . ), New York: McGraw -Hill. 颜国梁(2001);迈向二十一世纪我国教育行政发展的趋势与革新的展望;新竹师院学报;000(014);0029-0047.
- The portal management system (PMS), content management system (CMS) and graduate educational administration information service system (GEAISS) is analyzed and designed with UML. 采用UML对研究生教务门户管理系统、内容管理系统,以及研究生教务信息服务系统进行了分析与设计。