- On The Learning Motivation in EFL Learning 浅析第二外语学习中的学习动机
- On Hierarchical Human Needs and the Enhancement of EFL Learning Motivation 谈多层次的需要与外语学习动机的激发
- EFL learning motivation 中学生
- Second, There is inherent learning motivation. 二要具有内在的学习动机;
- Learning strategies play a crucial role in EFL learning. 学习策略在外语学习中起着重要作用。
- Objective: To improve college students' learning motivation. 目的:提高大学生的学习动机。
- A lot has been said about the importance of teaching culture in EFL learning. 在外语教学中导入文化因素的重要性已为越来越多从事外语教学与研究的人士所认识。
- What are the elements of learner motivation? 学生动机的要素是什么?
- Learning strategies play a crucial role in EFL learning, but are at the same time are constrained by various internal and external factors. 学习策略在外语学习中起着重要的作用,同时又受到各种内部和外部因素的影响。
- The quality and quantity of the teacher"s talk will have a great impact on students" affect, and on the failure or success of EFL learning as well. 教师话语的数量和质量不仅会影响到学生的情感,甚至会决定语言习得的成败。
- A Investigation on the University Student's Learning Motivation", Jiangxi Research in Educational Science, No. 关于大学生学习动机的调查,《江西教育科研》
- College English multimedia teaching environment has positive influences on foreign language learning motivation. 大学英语多媒体教学环境对外语学习动机具有积极的影响。
- And students, through the findings of the study, can see into their difficulties in EFL learning and, accordingly, take the initiative in EFL learning improvement. 学生方面,也希望他们藉由这个研究所发现的结果,了解自己学习上所遇到的问题从而更加主动的学习。
- The learning motivation of the foreign spouses is different in terms of immigrated years, residing area, and grade. 三、外籍配偶学员学习动机会因来台时间、居住地区、学习年级等背景变项之不同而有所差异。
- The higher the level of learning motivation, the higher their learning satisfaction degree. 五、外籍配偶学员学习动机愈高则学习满意度愈高。
- Methods Learning Motivation Factors Test (KKT) was conducted on 1,186 middle school students. 方法采用学习动力因素测验(KKT)对1186名中学生测试。
- The relatively long working hours and duty time obviously influenced interns' learning motivation and efficiency. 而过长的工作时间与值班频率,影响实习医师学习的机会与兴致。
- This study aimed to explore online strategy use among EFL Learner's of different language proficiencies. 摘要本研究目的为探讨以英语为外语学习者网路阅读策略之使用。
- By virtue of his theory, a survey of success/failure attribution was done for the fact that part of college students lack English learning motivation. 通过对调查结果的比较分析可以看出,学习动机的缺失与其不当的归因方式有关。
- Anxiety is an important expression of language Learner's and the essential affective element of effecting EFL Learner's. 焦虑是语言学习者在语言学习过程中的重要情感表现,是影响语言学习者二语习得效果的重要情感因素。