- On the table were a series of proposals delivered to the Iranians by EU foreign policy chief, Javier Solana in June. 舒尔特说:“我们不是去上课的。五个常任理事国代表参加会议,是为了解伊朗是否愿意认真谈判。”
- EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana Saturday said he hopes Iran will provide that answer soon. 周六在日内瓦伊朗核问题谈判桌上,索拉纳同伊朗首席谈判代表谈话并表示说,他希望伊朗将尽快给予明确答复。
- The second report, by Javier Solana, EU foreign policy chief, is due this month. 第二份报告将在本月由欧盟对外政策部长哈维尔.;索拉纳提交。
- EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said he would recommend sending peacekeepers at the next EU foreign ministers meeting next month. 欧盟负责外交政策的高级官员索拉纳说,他将在下个月举行的欧盟外长会议上提议派遣维和部队。
- Sarkozy, led by high-level European Union delegation, including European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana. 萨科齐率领的欧盟高层代表团成员包括欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐和欧盟负责外交和安全政策的高级代表索拉纳。
- EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana says Thursday he will meet Iran's chief nuclear negotiator on Saturday but did not say where the talks will take place. 欧盟外交政策专员索拉纳星期四说,他星期六将会晤伊朗首席核谈判代表拉里贾尼,但是没有透露在什麽地点会谈。
- EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana says the EU wants to maintain dialogue with Iran following what he described as a "good" meeting Sunday with Iran's top nuclear negotiator in Munich. 欧盟外交政策负责人索拉纳表示,欧盟希望继星期天在慕尼黑与伊朗最高核谈判代表举行他所称的“良好”会谈后继续保持与伊朗之间的对话。
- EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana say he had declined to enter a bet, prompting Kouchner to exclaim: "Coward!" 欧洲联盟外交规章制度主管哈维尔-索拉纳表达他么有参加打赌,结果库什内喊道:“懦夫!”
- EU foreign policy chief 欧盟负责外交事务的高级代表
- EU foreign and security policy chief Javier Solana said on the 7th, I hope later this month to meet with Iran's chief negotiator. 欧盟负责外交和安全政策的高级代表索拉纳7日表示,希望本月晚些时候能够会见伊朗首席谈判代表。
- Foreign policy chief Javier Solana oke today( Tuesday) in Luxembourg, as foreign ministers from EU natio gathered to discu Iran's nuclear program. 欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳星期二在卢森堡发出了上述呼吁,欧盟各国外交部长目前在卢森堡讨论伊朗的核项目问题。
- Foreign policy chief Javier Solana oke today (Tuesday) in Luxembourg, as foreign ministers from EU natio gathered to discu Iran's nuclear program. 欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳星期二在卢森堡发出了上述呼吁,欧盟各国外交部长目前在卢森堡讨论伊朗的核项目问题。
- European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana says the EU will offer Iran generous incentives to convince Tehran to give up its nuclear program. 欧盟外交政策负责人索拉纳说,欧盟将向伊朗提供丰厚的好处以劝说德黑兰放弃其核项目。
- Foreign policy chief Javier Solana spoke today( Tuesday) in Luxembourg, as foreign ministers from EU nations gathered to discuss Iran's nuclear program. 欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳星期二在卢森堡发出了上述呼吁,欧盟各国外交部长目前在卢森堡讨论伊朗的核项目问题。
- One thing that causes to stir in the run-up to the summit has been the report that the leaders will have before them co-offered by the EU's foreign policy chief Javier Solana. 由欧盟外交政策负责人索拉纳向各国首脑提供的报告在峰会召开前引起了轰动。
- EU's foreign policy includes two parts: one is the EU foreign economy policy, the other is CFSP foreign policy. 摘要欧盟的对外政策包括欧共体的对外经济政策和共同外交与安全政策中的对外政策两部分。
- EU foreign policy director at the time Javier Solana said that if Turkey sentenced Ocalan to death, it would not gain admission into the EU. 当时欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳更曾表示,土耳其一旦判处欧加兰死刑,将无法获准加入欧盟。
- A spokeswoman for the European Union foreign policy Chief Javier Solana said Monday the meeting is set for October 1. 欧盟外交部部长的女发言人索拉纳周一说该会议将于10月1日召开。
- European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana expressed concern following Monday's test. 在伊朗星期一试射导弹之后,欧盟外交政策负责人索拉纳对伊朗试射导弹表示关注。
- In Jerusalem, the European Union's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, called Wednesday for an immediate cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah. 在耶路撒冷,欧盟的外交政策负责人索拉纳星期三呼吁以色列和真主党立即停火。