- On Early Warning Index System of Supply Chain Risk 供应链风险预警指标体系研究
- Aviation Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) crisis early warning index structure and the early warning management information system are built and designed base on B/S mode. 本文在构建安全预警评价体系和预警方式的基础上,开发基于B/S结构的空中管制中心安全预警管理信息系统。
- Early warning index system 预警指标体系
- Besides, an evaluation index cluster of the psychological apperception factors constituted of 8 indexes is constructed under the framework of the early warning evaluation index system of brain-drain. 同时根据心理契约违背的相关征兆,在人才流失预警指标框架下,构建了由8项指标组成的心理因素指标族。
- On the base of the previous work, slip and seepage risk analysis model of earth dam is founded, simultaneously, security early warning index of concrete dam and earth dam is lucubrated. 本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对土石坝失稳破坏和渗透破坏的风险分析模型,以及混凝土坝、土石坝的安全预警指标进行了深入的研究,主要成果如下。
- Firstly, the index system has the characteristic of being in line with international standards, succinct, easy to collect, which can make the early warning system integrate with the international practice and improve the efficiency of analysis. 本文的特色与创新之处在于:一是指标体系中引入了贷款五级分类、资本充足率等与国际接轨、简洁、数据易于收集的指标,使风险预警与国际惯例相接轨,同时也提高了预警的效率。
- evaluation index system of early warning 预警指标体系
- VEWS? Very Early Warning System? 极早期预警系统?
- Real Estate Early Warning Index Selection by Cluster Analysis and Nonparametric Test 基于聚类分析和非参数检验的房地产预警指标体系选择
- Model and Application of Early Warning Index in Supply Chain Relation Based on SPA 基于SPA的供应链关系预警指数测量模型与应用
- Don't worry, we have a tsunami early warning system. 别担心,我们有海啸预警系统。
- The Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) in the US acts as an early warning system,telling us when the economy is about to change direction. 领先经济指标指数在当地可是个预先警报系统,能显示经济是否正要转向。
- The Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) in the US acts as an early warning system, telling us when the economy is about to change direction. 领先经济指标指数在当地可是个预先警报系统,能显示经济是否正要转向。
- Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem. 每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。
- early warning index 预警指数
- By eavesdropping on plants it should be possible to develop an early warning system to detect pests and disease. 通过探测植物的声音可以形成预警机制,探明植物病虫害情况。
- A fixed indexing system, like English. 最好它维持做固定编码索引,像英文。
- Constructing the System of Early Warning Indexes for Transportation Disasters of An Airline 航空公司交通灾害预警指标体系的构建
- Basic early warning systems are being set up in the affected areas. 受灾地区将会安装预警系统。
- The fourth part focus on a exemplification of the appraise index system. 第四部分主要是对第三部分的评价指标体系进行例证。