- Earthquake Occurrence site 地震现场
- Many studies are made on the patterns of earthquake occurrence in space, time and magnitude. 对地震发生的空间、时间和震级的图象作了许多研究。
- Many studies are made on the pattern of earthquake occurrence in space, time and magnitude. 对地震发生的空间,时间和震级的图像作了许多研究。
- It is a basic fact that earthquake occurrence can be modulated and triggered by the syzygial tide. 朔望潮触发和调制地震的发生已是一个基本事实。
- It is significant to know changing character of lithosphere structure in order to analyze and study regional tectonic conditions, stress field and earthquake occurrence. 了解和认识岩石圈结构及其变化特征,对于分析研究该区域构造环境、应力场和地震的发生等有重要意义。
- The heat flow in curst and the thermal stress generated by the flow play a very important role in earthquake occurrence. 摘要地壳内热活动及其产生的热应力作用是地震孕育发生的重要因素之一。
- On November 8, 1997, a large earthquake of M7.5 occurred in Manyi, Tibet, which just dropped in this earthquake occurrence period. 1997年11月8日西藏玛尼发生7.;5级大震,正好在这个发震的时间段上。
- Some information data about the earthquake are outlined in the paper,including focal parameters,moment tensor solution,damage,casualties and backgound of earthquake occurrence. 文章概述了这次地震的情况 ,包括震源参数、震源机制解、破坏、伤亡和发震背景。
- Some information data about the earthquake are outlined,including basic parameters,focal mechanism,damage,casualties,emergency rescue and background of earthquake occurrence. 文章对该震的基本参数、震源机制、破坏伤亡、救援和发震背景等作了概述。
- We quantitatively study the relation between quiescence and strong earthquake and extrapolate the probability of earthquake occurrence using kernel estimate method. 文中还定量分析了平静异常与大震的关系;提出了利用核函数对大震发生时间进行概率外推的方法.
- The result shows that there may bea close relation between the sun, moon, the horizontal tide force in the seismogenic regions andthe great earthquake occurrence. 这个结果表明,日、月对孕震区的水平引潮力与大地震的发生密切相关。
- When an earthquake occurrs, please take refuge close to the wall and protect your body with quilt or soft materials. 发生地震或爆炸时,应尽量在墙体较多的地方躲避,并用被子和软性材料保护身体。
- The Limit Time of an Earthquake Occurrence 地震发生的极限时间
- Small earthquake occurrence time 小地震发生率
- The monument was moved bodily to a new site. 纪念碑整个迁到一个新场址。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province. 这省经常发生骚乱。
- Is it safe to site the power station here? 在这建造发电厂安全吗?
- We all felt the earthquake tremors. 我们都感觉到地震时的颤动。
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游。