- "If I leave East Prussia," he told Keitel, "it will fall. 他对凯特尔说,“如果我离开东普鲁士,它就会沦于敌手。
- Stalin was throwing in 180 divisions, a surprisingly large part of them armored, in Poland and East Prussia alone. 仅在波兰和东普鲁土两地,斯大林就投入了一百八十个师的兵力,其中装甲部队所占比例大得惊人。
- Farther north still, two Russian armies overran half of East Prussia and drove to the Gulf of Danzing. 再往北,俄国两个集团军,越过了半个东普鲁士,向但泽湾挺进。
- In his headquarters in East Prussia, Hitler at first forbide any retreat in the face of the American onslaught. 在东普鲁士的司令部,希特勒开始时不允许部队在美军突击时撤退。
- The first phase of the war was a tremendous rush of the Germans upon Paris and an invasion of East Prussia by the Russians. 在战争的第一阶段,德国人大举进攻巴黎,俄国人侵略东普鲁土。
- In January 1945 as the war escalates Lena leads the people entrusted to her through a severe winter, from East Prussia to Thuringia. 1945年一月,随着战争加剧,莱娜决定带领庄园上下男女老少,顶着寒冬从东普鲁士前往图林根。
- Malbork, Poland, January 13, 2009--The remains of nearly 1,800 Germans were exhumed this month from a mass grave in what was once German East Prussia. 2009年1月13日,波兰,马尔堡---近1800具德国人的遗骸本月在一座万人坑中被发掘出来,(该地区)曾经是德国东普鲁士。
- In summer 1944, Lena Countess von Mahlenberg returns from Berlin to her home in East Prussia to resolve a longstanding deep conflict with her dying father. 1944年夏,女伯爵莱娜·冯·玛伦伯格从柏林回到东普鲁士老家探望病重的父亲,希望化解长久以来的矛盾。
- This area of East Prussia, with 160,000 inhabitants, had been turned over to Lithuania as an aftermath of World War I following the Memel Convention of 1924. 该地区为东普鲁士,16万居民,一战的结果根据默默尔会议将该地区划给立陶宛。
- The region around Kaliningrad, (an area that is formerly Konigsberg in East Prussia before 1945), has southern frontier with Poland , northern and eastern borders with Lithuania and a coastline on the Baltic Sea. 俄罗斯联邦的加里宁地区是1945年前东普鲁士的柯尼斯堡,它南接波兰,东边和北边连着立陶宛,西濒波罗的海
- There can be no doubt that the early appearance of Russian armies in East Prussia in September, 1914, diverted the energies and attention of the Germans from their first victorious drive upon Paris. 毫无疑问,1914年9月俄国军队在东普鲁士的很快出现,分散了德国人最早胜利进攻巴黎的精力和注意力。
- In East Prussia, the Deutschland Regiment was incorporated into an ad hoc panzer division under the army's Major-General Werner Kempf, which was to spearhead the Third Army's offensive from that area. 在东普鲁士,“德意志”团被编入了陆军少将维尔纳尔肯普夫的装甲师,作为第三集团军的先头部队。
- Can you find me some information about Prussia? 你能给我找到一些关于普鲁士的资料吗?
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- Spring in East China usually sets in about March. 华东的春天一般约在三月开始。
- He took lodgings in the East End of London. 他在伦敦东区租用寄宿舍。
- The fleet is-ring off the east coast. 舰队驶离东海岸进行演习。
- Take the east road; it's the shortest way. 走东边这条路吧,这是最近的路。