- The Songshugou ultramafic pluton north of the Shangdan fault is the largest ultramafic body in the East Qinling Orogen and assumes the emplacement contract with the Qinling complex. 摘要松树沟超镁铁质岩体位于秦岭商丹断裂以北,是该地区出露最大的超基性岩体,以侵位方式与秦岭杂岩接触。
- Exclusive evidences for CMF model and a case of orogenic silver deposits: Isotope geochemistry of the Tieluping silver deposit, east Qinling orogen CMF模式的排他性依据和造山型银矿实例:东秦岭铁炉坪银矿同位素地球化学
- East Qinling Orogen 东秦岭
- Situated in the east margin of the south Qinling orogen, Yungaishi area is wellknown throughout the world as one of the high quality turquoise occurrences. 云盖寺地区位于南秦岭造山带东缘,以盛产优质绿松石而闻名。
- Geologists at home and aborad are now focusing on research on the Qinling orogen. 秦岭造山带是当今国内外地学界关注的全球性地学研究地区之一。
- The Baguamiao gold deposit is the only superlarge gold deposit in the Qinling orogen. 八卦庙金矿是秦岭造山带唯一的超大型金矿床,曾被认为是微细浸染型(卡林型)金矿。
- Yindonggou silver and gold ore deposit, Hubei are located in Yindonggou thrust sheet of Wudang mega scale nappe of South Qinling Orogen. 湖北银洞沟银金矿床位于南秦岭造山带的武当巨型推覆体中的银洞沟逆冲推覆岩席中。
- It is located at the suturing zone between the Yangtze and Sinokorea plates,i.e.the northern margin the Sujiahe Precambrian terrane of the southern Qinling Orogen. 含矿超基性杂岩侵位于中新元古界变质地层,蚀变强烈;
- The Jinduicheng porphyry Mo deposit was formed during the transforming stage of the Qinling Orogen from compression to extension in Mesozoic_Cenozoic period. 钼矿床的成矿物质主要来自钾长斑岩,围岩不提供成矿物质。
- The spatial relationship between the East Qinling and Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic belts has been a controversy. 其铅同位素组成与秦岭岩群及二郎岩坪群一致,而与大别超高压变质带有明显的区别。
- The Liufengguang flysch here refers to the early Triassic flysch formation of the Liufengguang group in the East Qinling miogeosyncline. 正>留凤关复理石,系指东秦岭冒地槽早三迭世留凤关群的复理石建造。它位于宝成铁路的凤县至聂家湾一带(图1),向西延至西秦岭。
- Xixia rutile ore deposit is located in a palaeozoic fault depression at the south mangin of the east Qinling orogenic belt. 河南西峡金红石矿床位于秦岭造山带东段南缘,古生代陆缘断陷带内。矿体赋存于古生代信阳群龟山组第三段。
- Qinling fold belt is located at the junction of the North China plate and the Yangtze plate, and its portion in Henan Province is a part of the East Qinling Mountains (EQM). 摘要秦岭褶皱带位于华北板块和扬子板块结合部位,其在河南省内的部分多划为东秦岭。
- Lu Xinxiang,Yu Zaiping,Feng Youli,et al.Mineralization and Tectonic setting of deep-hypabyssal granires in east Qinling mountain[J].Mineral Deposits,202,21(2). 卢欣祥;于在平;冯有利;等.;东秦岭深源浅成型花岗岩的成矿作用及地质构造背景[J]
- They are genetically related to Yanshanian intermediate_acid granites distributed extensively in East Qinling area and occur along the endo_ and exo_contact zones of the porphyry. 其形成与燕山期中酸性浅成_超浅成小花岗斑岩体有关,钼矿床直接产于岩体内外接触带及其附近;
- The formation and evolution of uncoered large to superlarge matal deposits certainly have something to do with special conditions and processes of geodynamics in the Qinling orogen. 已探明一批大型一超大型金属矿床,它们的形成与演化必然与特定的地球动力学条件及过程有内在联系。
- ZHANG G W, ZHANG Z Q, DONG Y P.Nature of main tectonics litholostratigraphical units of Qinling orogen: implication for Qinling tectonics evolution [J].Acta Petrologica Sinica, 1995, 11(2): 101-114. [1]张国伟;张宗清;董云鹏.;秦岭造山带主要构造岩石地层单元的构造性质及其大地构造意义[J]
- Official national forest park goose groove rolling North Huizi Minjiang water, rolling Bailongjiang South Run, Messina Minshan snow thousands of miles, thousands of miles east Qinling spit cloud. 官鹅沟国家森林公园北滋滔滔岷江水,南润滚滚白龙江,西纳岷山千里雪,东吐秦岭万里云。
- National Forest Park Daheba rolling North Huizi Minjiang water, rolling Bailongjiang South Run, Messina Minshan snow thousands of miles, thousands of miles east Qinling spit cloud. 大河坝国家森林公园北滋滔滔岷江水,南润滚滚白龙江,西纳岷山千里雪,东吐秦岭万里云。