- Ge Hong was an influential figure during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 葛洪是东晋时期非常有影响的人物。
- Wang Xizhi, who lived in the Eastern Jin dynasty, was best known. 生活在东晋的王羲之,是最著名的书法家。
- Tao Yuanming, a famous writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), wrote the well-known essay Peach-Blossom Spring. 东晋的文学家陶渊明写了一片著名的文章叫《桃花源记》。
- Guo Pu (276-324), the word Jingchun, Hedong Wenxi (today Shanxi), the Eastern Jin Dynasty writer, scholium home. 郭璞(276-324),字景纯,河东闻喜(今山西)人,东晋文学家、训诂学家。
- Fu Jian shui zhi zhan after defeat, ZHANG Tianxi crossing the opportunity to return to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 淝水之战苻坚败后,张天锡乘机渡江回到东晋。
- During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, China produced an outstanding calligrapher named Wang Xizhi. 东晋时,中国有一位杰出的书法家,名叫王羲之。
- When the Eastern Jin Dynasty to sign the North General, Hebei captaincy general from the military. 东晋时为征北大将军,都督河北诸军事。
- Sou Shen Ji is a weird fiction written by Gan Bao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and is of great value for the studies of Chinese vocabulary. 搜神记》是东晋干宝撰写的一部志怪小说,对汉语词汇的研究具有重要价值。
- Lanting poem of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is distinct in characteristics from Mountains-and-Rivers poem and Metaphysical poem. 摘要东晋兰亭诗有着区别于山水诗和正宗玄言诗的不同特质。
- Fa Xian, an eminent monk of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, recorded in his Travels Notes On Tianzhu (India) that he witnessed two "Xingxiang"fairs on his journey to the West. 我国东晋高僧法显在《自记游天竺事》中曾两次记述他在西游途中所见到的行像大会,
- Zhi Dun (Zhi Daolin, 314-366) played an important role in the Buddhi st Xuanxue, both as an eminent Buddhist monk and a literatus of the Eastern Jin dynasty. 摘要支遁(字道林,314-366),是两晋际之名僧与名士的主要代表,也是当时佛教玄学(新佛玄)的标宗人物。
- Jack So Chak Kwan said, though, Conghua two cities in the eastern and northern Guangzhou, Guangzhou, "Eastern Jin, Northern superior" an important development strategy group. 苏泽群称,增城、从化两市位于广州东部和北部,是广州“东进、北优”发展战略的重要组团。
- This paper traces back to its origin and argues that it is related to the literati's seclusive style before the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and expresses their independent personality. 室名别号产生于东晋之前,盛于明清,其与东晋以前文人隐逸风尚相联系,彰显了文人独立的人格精神。
- Dangchang States of the Eastern Jin Dynasty period, 16 times the country for the Second State of Qin Yong Wudu County, South Qinzhou Wudu County, Countychou chi. 宕昌国时期的东晋、十六国时代,为雍秦二州武都郡,南秦州武都郡、仇池郡。
- Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming had had such exclaiming: "prime not to re-day difficult morning, when encouraged timely, time does not treat people. 东晋诗人陶渊明曾有过这样的感叹:“盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人”。
- His life of being an officer and a hermit and his mentality showed that in the Eastern Jin Dynasty scholars always chose to be an officer or a hermit and all cared about the fate of their clan. 其仕隐生活及心态表明 :其时仕隐都是个人自愿的选择 ,都考虑到家族命运 ;
- The first chapter briefly introduces the real cultural situation when the aesthetic thoughts on landscape painting was built, and analyses the unique position and major influence of Buddhism on ideology at the turn of Eastern Jin and Song dynasties. 第一章考察山水画赖以兴起的现实文化语境,分析佛学在晋末宋初的独特地位及其对当时审美文化语境的重大影响;
- With regard to just the poems and prose of Eastern Jin Dynasty, many had intimate relationship with the various thoughts peculiars to Buddhism, e.g. Emptiness (sunya), Mind, Compassion, Cause and Effect, Precepts (Vinaya) etc. 就东晋诗歌而言,其中的玄言诗、山水诗、佛理诗与佛教的宗教理想和佛学理论中独特的思维方式,如空、心性、言意、大慈大悲、因果、戒律之类皆有密切的关系;
- The article studies the Wu-Ge、 Xi-Qu and Yue-Fu Poem made by literati in Eastern Jin and liu Song period, which integrates the exploratory research of musicology、 philology and literature. 论文从文献学、音乐学、文学三方面,对晋宋时期的吴声、西曲和文人乐府诗进行了全面、细致的研究。
- In the Western and Eastern Jin, the tree talismanic baldric were no longer fashionable.Theme s with auspicious signification represented by Sheng came into vogue in the court and among common people. 至两晋,三大辟邪佩不再盛行,而具有祥符意义的装饰品题材在当朝和民间都流行起来,“胜”是这类题材的代表。