- Being less affected by the human being, the water environmental system of Hulun lake is strongly affected by the eco hydrological process of the basin. 呼伦湖是一典型的草原型湖泊,受人类活动的直接影响较小,湖泊水环境系统的演化受到流域生态水文过程的影响。
- Interflow lags with overland flow and the hydrological process display as a curve with only one peak. (4)壤中流的产生滞后于地表流,产流过程表现出缓慢变化的单峰过程。
- The problem of renewability linked with hydrological process affected by climate change and human activity was addressed in this paper. 如果细分水资源的可再生性,它包括量与质两个方面。
- In this paper an approach representing spatial hydrological process dynamically and interactively is developed,using Huangtuling watershed in Zhejiang province as a case area. 本文以浙江黄土岭流域为试验区,结合地理信息系统和计算机图形学的方法和技术探究了流域空间水文过程的动态交互显示方法。
- Not only can a single rainfall process but also erosion and hydrological process in a certain time of cycle be analyzed, the results can be printed in figure, graph or curve. 模型既可对单一的降雨过程进行分析,也可对一定时间周期内的侵蚀和水文过程进行分析,并且可用数据、图形和曲线等形式输出运行结果。
- As an important component in hydrological process, forest vegetation influences critically the spatial distribution of hydrological fluxes such as precipitation, evapo-transpiration, and runoff. 摘要森林植被层作为水文环境要素,对降水、蒸散和径流等水文通量在空间上的分布特徵有著重要的影响作用。
- Obtaining a rea-sonable description of these hydrological processes is one key problem for land surface studies. 对这些水文过程进行合理参数化是陆面水文模型研究的核心问题。
- River restoration mainly includes the recoveries of river morphologies and that of hydrological processes. 摘要河流生态修复主要包括河流地貌特征的修复和水文特征的恢复。
- An introduction is given to the method for simulation of watershed hydrological processes. 简要分析流域水文过程模拟方法;
- Q. Zhang, A. Werner, F. Aviyanto, J. Hutson. Influence of soil moisture hysteresis on the functioning of capillary barriers. Hydrological Processes. 左海军,张奇,徐力刚,李丽娇,叶许春.;农田土壤氮素径流损失的影响因素及其防治措施研究
- Land use changes can influence hydrological processes including infiltration, groundwater recharge, base flow and runoff in a watershed. 然而土地利用的改变会造成集水区中水文循环的影响,其中包括有入渗、地下水补注、基流以及流量。
- Chang, L. C. and Chang, F. J. 2001, Intelligent control for modelling of real-time reservoir operation. Hydrological Processes, 15(9): 1621-1634. 邱昱祯,2003,模糊规划理论与优选法于水库操作之研究,国立台湾大学生物环境系统工程学系硕士论文。
- The basic frame is put forward to carry out the field measurement, experiment and studies of hydrological processes in a typical inland river basin. 提出了开展内陆河流域水文过程观测和研究的基本框架。
- It is thus both scientifically and socially important to evaluate the changes of hydrological processes in relation to this kind of projects. 从生态水文学角度对长江中游的生态水文特征进行了研究。
- Chang, F. J., Chang, L. C. and Huang, H. L. 2002, Real time recurrent learning neural network for streamflow forecasting, Hydrological Processes, 16: 2577-2588. 周俊安,2002,禁忌演算法应用于优选地下水模式参数之分区,国立台湾大学生物环境系统工程学系硕士论文。
- LAND - means “the terrestrial bio-productive system that comprises soil, vegetation, other biota, and the ecological and hydrological processes that operate within the system”. 土地,是指包括土壤、植被和其他生态区、生态和水文过程的陆地生态生产系统。
- Hydrologic process and meteorologic factor play an important role in the lake eutrophication and algae bloom. 水文过程与气象因子在湖泊富营养化及藻华爆发的过程中起着决定性的作用。
- The results suggested that SWAT could well describe the long\|time hydrologic process. 由讨论结果来看,SWAT能够有效地模拟长时间序列的水文过程。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- Water-land Resources in the Cold and Arid Regions: main focuses are hydrological processes and water resource in cold and arid regions, capacity of water-land resources and its optimization, utilization and ceological environment. 寒旱区水土资源:主要方向有寒旱区水文过程与水资源;水土资源承载力与优化配置;生态水文学环境;寒旱区土壤与土地资源。