- Ecological Public Cemetery 生态墓园
- In the Wenchuan big earthquake, east the steam middle school had 14 teacher who attended class to die, including 11 teachers interred in the Longjing tea public cemetery. 汶川大地震中,东汽中学有14名正在上课的老师遇难,其中有11名老师安葬在龙井公墓。
- Remains in public cemeteries must be exhumed after six years. 公众坟场的遗体必须在六年后被挖掘出来。
- Normally, human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed after six years and either cremated or reinterred in an urn cemetery. 葬于公众坟场的死者遗骸通常须于下葬六年后掘出,并随即火化或安放于金塔(骨灰瓮)坟场。
- In China, the ecological public welfare forest compensation has progressed from specific individual policy adjustment to general national legislation adjustment and some local legislation pilot practices. 我国的生态公益林补偿制度经历了一个从政策调整到国家立法调整以及地方立法试点的渐进过程。
- Normally,human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed after six years and either cremated or reinterred in an urn cemetery. 葬于公众坟场的死者遗骸通常须于下葬六年后掘出,并随即火化或安放于金塔(骨灰瓮)坟场。
- After six years, human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed to be either cremated or reburied in an urn cemetery. 在公众坟场土葬的遗骸,必须于六年后捡拾,然后火化或重葬于金塔坟场。
- A solitary soul of a public cemetery 义冢孤魂
- Hill cemetery; public cemetery on hill ground 用做坟地的山。泛指坟地。也指坟墓;高大的坟头
- ecological public welfare forest compensation 生态公益林补偿
- ecological public welfare forest 生态公益林
- the ecological public benefit forest 生态公益林
- the ecological public welfare forest 生态公益林
- The FEHD operates six government crematoria and 11 public cemeteries,and oversees the management of 28 private cemeteries. 食物环境卫生署负责管理六个政府火葬场和11个公众坟场,并监管28个私营坟场的运作。
- National ecological public welfare forests 国家公益林
- The FEHD operates six government crematoria and 11 public cemeteries, and oversees the management of 28 private cemeteries. 食物环境卫生署负责管理六个政府火葬场和11个公众坟场,并监管28个私营坟场的运作。
- Ecological public welfare forest in south of China 南方生态公益林
- Ecological public welfare forests 生态公益林
- System dynamics research on Shanghai public cemetery land demand 上海公墓土地需求的系统动力学研究
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。