- Economic Criminal Law of China 中国经济刑法学
- The criminal law of China provides that extortion of confessions through torture is strictly prohibited. 我国刑罚规定,严禁刑讯逼供。
- Drug trafficking is punishable by death according to the criminal law of the Republic of China. 依據中華民國刑法,販賣、運送毒品者可判處死刑。
- Voluntary surrender is an important system of penal institution in criminal law of China. 自首制度,是我国刑法中的一项重要刑罚制度。
- According to the criminal law of China, the people deviated the culpability of joint-crime should be responsible for his/her act. 不过,从立法论层面来讲,我们主张,如果其他共同犯罪行为人也具有这一偏离行为的主观罪过,应当依法承担至少是过失的刑事责任。
- It consists five parts as the following:Preface means to generalize the historical link of voluntary surrender in criminal law of China. 本文分以下五个部分:前言部分意在概括我国刑法中自首制度的历史联系。
- Study on the economic criminal law II. 经济刑法研究2。
- The opinion that substance of illegality is on worthless of consequence is prevailing in the theory circles in Criminal law of china. 违法性的本质在于结果无价值的观点,在我国刑法理论界颇为流行。
- Pursuing the development of the times with modernizing behavior , criminal law of china will be involved in the world inclination . 中国刑法需要重新认识、定位、建构,以一种现代化的面目去追随时代的发展,融入文明进步的世界潮流。
- If the case is so serious as to constitute a crime, the offender's criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to the relevant provisions of The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. 情节严重,构成犯罪的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》的有关条款的规定追究刑事责任。
- The offence transformation refers to a transgression or a misdemeanor which will transform to be a crime or a felony in some circumstances and then be punished by criminal law of China. 转化犯是指我国法律所规定的某种违法现象或者较轻的犯罪,在一定条件下向犯罪或者另一种较重的犯罪转化,并依照转化后的犯罪定罪处罚的犯罪形态。
- Article 43 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that, "the death penalty is only applicable to criminals who have committed the most heinous of crimes. 《中华人民共和国刑法》第四十三条规定:"死刑只适用于罪大恶极的犯罪分子。
- The aim of the law of torts is different from the criminal law. 侵权行为的目的有别于刑法。
- the 343 Article of Criminal Law of China 刑法第343条
- Current criminal law in economic criminal punishment exist on the installation of kind is below greatly, do not suit preventing and hitting economic crime. 现行刑法在经济犯罪刑罚刑种的设置上存在很大不足,不适应对经济犯罪的预防和打击。
- Law of the People's Republic of China on Admin. 中华人民共和国行政处罚法。
- The law of the People's Republic of China. 是在中华人民共和国的法律。
- Company law of the people's republic of China II. 中华人民共和国公司法注释本2。
- Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China. 五、《中华人民共和国国籍法》
- Study on Inclusion Crime in the Criminal Law of China 我国刑法中的包容犯问题研究