- Economic profit index system 经济利润指标体系
- Economic profit is a future-and-policymaking-oriented profit. 经济利润是面向未来面向决策的利润。
- How to make the plan to blow up after overhaul and fast reach the production index in No. 4(918 m~3) blast furnace of Han Steel are introduced,good economic profit got. 对邯钢4号高炉(918 m3)大修后开炉方案的制定和开炉后快速达产的生产实践进行了分析,本次对4号高炉大修取得了良好的经济效益。
- How to gain economic profit at the premise of continual development? 如何在维持可持续发展的前提下获得经济效益?
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS) can greatly promote the synthesized economic profit of the enterprise, thus it has become the hotspot of the research and application of all kinds of enterprises. 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)能显著提高企业的综合经济效益,因而是当前国内、外各大中型企业研究与实施的热点。
- The structure of the port related economic activities, the implication of the port economic contribution, the research methods and its index system are discussed in this paper. 摘要阐述了港口相关经济活动的构成、界定了港口经济贡献的内涵和组成,介绍了港口经济贡献度的研究方法及指标体系。
- On the other handd the use of the different characteristics of the curve, such as the maximum investment, maximum profit, period of investment return and rate of return ete, can quantify the economic profit of the whole system. 另一方面利用曲线的各特征值,如最大投资额、最大盈利额、投资回收期以及盈利率等来定量地判断系统的经济效益。
- Comparision national technolgical index of sulfating roaster with international ones,make some suggestions of innovating old roaster in Huludao zinc smelter for increasing enterprise economic profit. 通过比较国内与国外酸化焙烧炉各项技术指标差异,提出葫芦岛锌厂酸化焙烧炉优化改进意见,达到提高企业经济效益目的。
- The fourth part focus on a exemplification of the appraise index system. 第四部分主要是对第三部分的评价指标体系进行例证。
- The reason for block-up and corrosion in deacidification and ammonia evaporating system of Cheng Steel is analyzed,some measures adopted from technology and equipment,better economic profit got. 分析了承钢化学产品脱酸蒸铵系统堵塞与腐蚀的原因,从工艺和设备等方面采取了有效措施,取得了较好的经济效益。
- The index system to evaluate the efficiency of supply chain is established. 构建测评供应链经济效益的评价指标体系.
- Recognition of the stock listed company, the confirmation of issuing price, absorbing new capital from market, ST and PT, which have osculation connections with profit index. 股份上市公司的认定、上市发行价格的确定、上市公司的再融资、股票交易的特别处理、暂停上市和摘牌等都与利润指标有密切的联系。
- A fixed indexing system, like English. 最好它维持做固定编码索引,像英文。
- At present,in the analysis of investment and finance,there exist the problems of the inaccurate determination of profit index and imperfect finance analysis. 目前财务管理理论与实践在投融资管理财务分析中普遍存在所用利润指标界定不当和融资分析不完善的问题。
- Methods The index system was assessed by Delphi method and documents index. 方法采用文献检索法和特尔斐法对评价指标进行探讨和论证。
- The necessity, design and economic profit of general-purpose brick model for torpedo tanker are stated. 简要论述了鱼雷罐车内衬砌筑用砖改为通用砖型的必要性,详述了通用砖型的设计及其产生的经济效益。
- In a certain meaning, reader become the " tool" of writer and publisher to obtain the economic profit. 与此同时,读者也被简化为经济数字,某种意义上,是作家和出版商为取得经济利润的“工具”。
- It has also established a Cadastral Survey Plan Index System to facilitate the search of land boundary survey records. 该处又设立一个地籍测量图索引系统,利便地界测量记录的查阅工作。
- In engineering quantity list bidding,making good use of aggregative unit price can bring notable economic profit. 在工程量清单投标中,灵活运用综合单价会给投标单位带来显著的经济效益。
- The internal rate of return (IRR) method is the most widely use by engineering economic analyze, it is called the profitability index. 工程经济分析的内部回收比率(IRR)法是最广为使用的,也称之为利益性指数。