- The adjustment of economy structure is important stratagem to national economy development. 经济结构调整是我国经济发展的重大战略。
- To modulate and promote the economy structure is an important situation that we are faced to. 经济结构的调整与升级是我们面临的一个重大问题。
- The contradiction reflected in aggregate for macro economy is in effect resulted from irrational national economy structure. 宏观经济反映在总量上的矛盾,实际上是由国民经济结构不合理所引起的。
- But first-class and inherent contradiction restricted sheet of region economy structure thalassic area collaboration develops deep further. 但地区经济结构单一等内在矛盾制约了海湾区域合作进一步深入发展。
- Look from regional economy structure, whole area one, 2, 3 industries move sluggishly is worn natural economy and the moulage of half natural economy. 从区域性经济结构看,全区一、二、三产业凝滞着自然经济和半自然经济的印痕。
- Rise in this subaltern wave period in, world economy is shown be changed equably and polarization two kinds of trends, changing world economy structure thereby. 在这次长波上升期中 ,世界经济表现出均等化和两极分化两种趋势 ,从而改变着世界经济格局。
- Support energetically and guide health of civilian battalion economy actively to develop, strategical to achieving capital economy structure adjust have great sense. 大力支持和积极引导民营经济健康发展,对于实现首都经济结构战略性调整具有重大意义。
- The unemployment has negative influences there is a positive role too.Its positive side embodies in and improve labourer's skill adjust economy structure as well. 本课题旨在通过对失业者的调查,分析引起失业的原因以及失业影响,让我们重新认识失业,使社会上更加关注这一现象。
- Because social productivity and economic progress level are ceaseless and fluctuant, so world economy structure is in the process that evolves ceaselessly necessarily in. 由于社会生产力和经济发展水平是不断变动的,所以世界经济格局必然处于不断演变的过程之中。
- The adjustment of economic structure is to rely on influence to still rely on market cogongrass to be able to have all sorts of meanings at Shi economy structure. 经济结构的调整是靠权力还是靠市场茅于轼经济结构可以有各种含义。
- The cause that creates this kind of situation basically is agricultural economy structure of development aftereffect inadequacy, industry is unreasonable and technical ageing. 造成这种状况的原因主要是农业经济发展后劲不足、工业结构不合理以及技术老化等。
- It is deeply impacted by subsistent financial system, or by other internal factors need for financial system, such as, the economy structure and the level of economy development. 既有历史继承性(受现存的融资制度的影响),又深受经济结构、经济发展水平等内在因素对融资制度需求的影响。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- After two world wars, the opposition of ideology between capitalist and socialist camp appeared in the world, the globalism represented by the GATT made much greater progress than the regionalism in the world economy structure. 两次世界大战后,全球形成资本主义以及社会主义两大阵营的意识形态对立,在世界经济格局中区域主义发展进展很有限,以关税和贸易总协定为代表的全球主义发展是主流趋势。
- What the focus of currently Chinese economy structural reorganization is on the reform of stateowned enterprises. 当前中国经济体制改革的重点是国有企业的改革。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- The row holds watchful husband high " drive " model can the optimal path of computative economy structural adjustment. 列昂惕夫“快车道”模型能够推算经济结构调整的最优轨道。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建筑物让大风给刮倒了。
- A fan-shaped anatomical structure. 扇形器官扇形的解剖结构
- Informal employment has property of impermanency, provisional and flexible, which adapts to economy structural and form self-function mechanism. 非正规就业具有短暂性、临时性和灵活的特性,使其适应经济结构的调整同时也形成了自身的运行机制,也决定非正规就业的保障具有自身的特性:整体缺乏劳动保障;