- Edger Degas 德加
- Degas is probably my favorite pastel artist. 德加大概算是我最喜欢的彩色粉笔画家了。
- Main equipment, Leng Dunji, edger, silk machine. 主要设备,冷墩机,切边机,搓丝机。
- Get the state of a specific edger. 取得一个指定边块的单元状态。
- DEGA Italy is a machinery manufacturer. DEGA是意大利名机器制造商。
- Early in his life Degas began to have problems with eyesight. 德加在早年的生涯中视力开始出现问题。
- Wilbur: I do care for ballet, whether in performance or Degas. 我确实喜欢芭蕾舞,无论是真正的表演还是德加的画。
- The hallmark of Degas' art was world of theatre, dance and music. 他的艺术特色反映在戏剧、舞蹈和音乐的世界中。
- Degas also sculpted dancers and bathers in wax and clay. 他还用腊和泥塑造过舞女和沐浴者形象。
- He recognized the painting as an early workby Degas. 他认出了这幅画是德加的早期作品。
- He recognized the painting as an early work by Degas. 他认出了这幅画是德加的早期作品。
- Degas the dough, cover and allow to rest for 15 minutes. 按压面团排出气体,盖上保鲜膜松弛15分钟。
- Degas gives us an almost uncomfortable image of energy. 德加向展现了一股几乎是令人不舒服的力量。
- Degas captured a dark, yet dreamlike world of ballet. 窦加抓住了芭蕾舞世界中朦胧而梦幻般的影像。
- If Degas had unexpectedly run into Manet at the Louvre? 德加是在卢浮宫偶然遇见的马奈;
- Gide, Debussy, Degas, and Rodin were among her devoted fans. 这颗明星曾经在西方世界中闪耀了半个世纪,然而终究隐没在漫漫的历史长河里。
- Among his cohorts were the now-famous artists Degas, Monet and Cezanne. 与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。
- Fixed on edger unit, for grirding slabstones wity high efficiency and lighten the weight of the unit. 用于石材的磨加工,重量轻,适用于角磨机,减轻了设备的负荷,提高了加工效率。
- The article describes the function, composition and operational concept of edger mills. 简要介绍立辊轧机的作用、设备组成及轧制理论。
- Objective:To develop a system for sampling the spectacles frame on automatic lens edger. 目的:研制CCD采集眼镜框边缘尺寸系统。