- In 313 the Edict of Milan was issued by Constantine and granted religious freedom to all and made Christianity legal. 公元313年,君士坦丁一世发布了“米兰赦令”,宣布人人有信教自由,并宣布基督教是合法的。
- They live on the outskirts of Milan. 他们住在米兰市郊。
- An Overview of Milan Public Arts II. 米兰公共艺术纵览2。
- Edict of Milan 米兰诏书
- The revocation of the Edict of Nantes was signed here in '85. 85年南特敕令的废除是在这里宣布的。
- MILAN - The first match of Milan has been set: at Cremona. 米兰的第一场比赛已经确定:在克雷莫纳。
- The revocation of the Edict of Nantes was signed here in 1685. 1685年南特敕令的废除是在这里宣布的。
- When he left Florence it was to work for the Duke of Milan, Ludvico Sforza. 他离开佛罗伦萨去为米兰公爵卢德维科·斯福尔扎工作。
- Also, the chance that those at the helm of Milan have always believed in me. 这也是源于米兰的管理层一直信任我。
- When he left Florence it was to work for the Duke of Milan,Ludvico Sforza. 他离开佛罗伦萨去为米兰公爵卢德维科·斯福尔扎工作。
- A move greeted with scepticism on the streets of Lombardy's main city of Milan. 在伦巴第省主要城市米兰的各街道上,这一举措遭到普遍怀疑。
- Under the edict of Lord Lothar, you are to restrain the prisoners until they can be escorted to the capital of Lordaeron for interrogation. 在洛萨领主的法令下;你将押送这些囚犯直至他们在洛丹伦的首都接受审问9.
- This is not an easy period for Kala, but all of Milan are here to support him. 这是卡拉的难关,但米兰所有人都会一直支持他。
- In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. 王的谕旨所到的各省各城,犹大人都欢喜快乐,设摆筵宴,以那日为吉日。
- The French Huguenots who sought refuge in America after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 were, for example, soon absorbed. 例如,1685年废除南特诏书之后到北美来寻求政治避难的法国胡格诺派新教徒很快就被同化了。
- Massimo Donati, in force with Parma, but property of Milan, today signed a contract that will tie him to Torino at the end of the season. 我们的多纳蒂今天和都灵签约,将在下半赛季效力该队。他在去年夏天被米兰租借给帕尔马,现在的所有权还是属于米兰。
- Guests can book tours of Milan's most famous monuments, Lake Garda, Venice, the "Cinque Terre", etc., At reception. 在接待台,可以预定导游游览米兰的很多纪念碑、加尔达湖(Lago di Garda)、威尼斯、五渔村(Cinque Terre)等。
- Zhu Yuan-zhang’s War Proclamation of the Northern Expedition and Imperial Edict of Punishment-remitting are two important documents published during the early stage of Ming Dynasty. 朱元璋《北伐檄文》和《大赦天下诏》是明初发布的两件重要法制文件。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- Thomas Alva Edison was born on February eleventh, eighteen-forty-seven in the small town of Milan, Ohio. 1847年2月11日,托马斯.;阿尔瓦