- Eduard Stancioiu 埃杜阿尔德·斯滕乔尤,罗马尼亚足球运动员,司职门将
- Hans, Eduard, all of you, listen to me! |Hans Eduard 大家都有 听我说!
- Randall Henning, Eduard Hochreiter, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, editors. 书名/作者 Reviving the European Union /C.
- The region's leader, Eduard Kokoity, also claimed victory as its president. 这一地区的领导人科科伊提宣布胜利当选南奥塞梯总统。
- Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze is coming to Washington on Friday. 苏联外长谢瓦尔德纳泽星期五来华盛顿。
- According to ITAR-TASS, Eduard Shevardnadze made the denial in a press conference held in Tbilisi. 据俄塔社报道,谢瓦尔德纳泽是在第比利斯举行的记者招待会上作上述表示的。
- Beleaguered Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns following weeks of mass protests over flawed elections. 在因选举作弊而引发的持续数周的群众抗议后,被围攻的乔治亚州州长艾多尔德·施瓦德纳忒兹辞职。
- Eduard Spranger (0), Lebensformen, Verlag Max Niemeyer, Tubingen 9. Aufl. 1966, S. 331. 言衍(1958);卡西勒符号形式哲学之一般线索;民主评论半月刊;9(15);-.
- Spartak spokesman Eduard Nisenboim has told the Russia media that the deal is not yet signed. 与此同时,斯巴达克俱乐部发言人向俄罗斯媒体表示交易还没有完成。
- The younger, Eduard, gifted in music and literature, would die in a Swiss psychiatric hospital. 在音乐和文学上颇具天赋的小儿子爱德华则死于瑞士一家精神病医院。
- Present in Munich on September 29 were Neville Chamberlain (England), Eduard Daladier (France), Mussolini (Italy), as well as Hitler and Ribbentrop. 出席9月29日慕尼黑有尼维尔张伯伦(英国),爱德华达拉第(法国),墨索里尼(意大利),还有希特勒和里宾特洛甫。
- Young Eduard eventually succumbed to10) mental illness and was confined to an asylum11) near Zurich for the rest of his life. 小儿子爱德华最终出现了精神问题,被送进了苏黎世附近的精神病院,并在那里度过了余生。
- This excellent photograph was taken by legendary Billy Eduard Meier, famous for his many still frame and moving pictures of UFOs. 这一出色的照片是由传奇比利爱德华迈尔,著名的还有他的许多画面和活动图像的飞碟。
- When my grandmother Matrjona and her two little sons, Eduard and Valerij, were taken prisoner, my grandmother was about four months pregnant. 当我的祖母玛卓娜和她的两个小孩子爱德华和沃尔瑞奇被捕时,祖母还有4个月的身孕。
- It was more than one hundred years ago when the world's first successful human corneal transplant was performed by Dr Eduard Zirm. 世界上首例成功的角膜移植手术是有EdurdZirm医生于100多年前开展的。
- The infant country spent the next decade stagnating under the Soviet-style rule of Eduard Shevardnadze, the former foreign minister to Mikhail Gorbachev. 在俄国人眼中,乔治亚是一块浪漫、充满异国情调的边疆。
- "My partner, Eduard Shifrin, left the decision entirely up to me, since he knows how important it is for me to see the team not only survive, but succeed. "我的合伙人艾德华特-施夫林自从知道了看到车队继续并且成功对我而言有多重要之后,就把做决定的权利全都给了我。
- In South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali, President Eduard Kokoity celebrated by drinking a three-liter bowl of wine on the main square, news agencies reported. 据媒体报导,在南奥塞梯首府茨欣瓦利,总统科科伊特在中心广场上饮下一大杯三升的葡萄酒庆祝独立。
- Eduard Faritov, an analyst at Renaissance Capital, an investment bank, thinks Russia could outstrip Germany as Europe's biggest market this year, with sales reaching around 3.3m. 俄罗斯投资银行复兴资本公司的一位分析家EduardFaritov认为,俄罗斯可能超过德国,成为今年欧洲最大的市场,其销售量有望达到近330万辆。
- The wily duo of Masaryk and Eduard Benes (the dominant politicians of the years that followed) duped the victorious Western allies into agreeing to the creation of a new country. 马萨里克和他显赫的继任者贝奈斯,这对狡猾的双重奏选手,骗过了高唱凯歌的西方盟国,好让他们同意建立一个新国家。