- Johnson and Aouita blazed their way to the top of track and field. 约翰逊和阿乌伊塔各辟蹊径,跻身田径比赛榜首。
- Johnson and Aouita blazed their way to the top of track and field . 约翰逊和阿乌伊塔各辟蹊径,跻身田径比赛榜首。
- What kind of track and field sports do the Beijing citizens like? 北京市民喜欢何种田径运动?
- The Teaching Reform in Practiced Class of Track and Field Major in P.E. 体育教育专业田径实践课的教学改革研究。
- Education of track and field 田径教学
- Reform and Exploration on Education of Graduate Students Majoring in Physical Education Teaching and Training of Track and Field in Normal Institutions in the Transition Period in China 社会转型期我国体育教育训练学田径方向硕士研究生教育改革探讨
- Now, the semifinal of the track and field event is underway. 现在,田径项目的半决赛正在进行。
- Is track and field part of the school physical education programme? 田径运动是学校体育课程内容的组成部分吗?
- The Practice of Training Proless of Track and Field Team at Basic Level School. 基层学校田径队训练的实践。
- The track and field games attracted lots of people. 田径比赛吸引了很多人。
- He's make a good score in track and field event. 他正在田径赛中取得好成绩。
- Study of the Shoulder and Elbow Injury of the Athlete who Major in the Javelin of Track and Field in P. E. 体育教育专业田径专修标枪运动员肩、肘部损伤的调研。
- Besides,I was a member of the Track and Field Tea. 另外,我还是校田径队队员呢。
- Long jump is one of the most complex ev ents in the skill of track and field sp orts. 跳远是田径运动中技术较为复杂的项目之一。
- Annie: If the level of track and field is able to make a break through,Chinese sports will be the first class in the world. 安妮: 如果田径水平再有所突破,中国的体育就是世界一流了。
- Besides, I was a member of the Track and Field Tea. 另外,我还是校田径队队员呢。
- The construction of a track and field sports ground requires the most accuracy of the circumferential instalment of track kerbs. 在田径运动场的施工中,要求跑道内突沿的周长达到最佳精确度。
- Walking, running, jumping and throwing are the basic skills of human beings and constitute basic forms of track and field sports. 摘要走、跑、跳、投、掷是人类生活的基本技能,是田径运动项目中最基本的运动形式。
- The untied evaluation table of PE teaching is morc while special evaluation measuring table of track and field classroom teaching or measuring rules are very deficient in reality. 在田径课堂教学评价实际工作中,以统一的体育教学评价量表多见,专门的田径课堂教学评价量表或量规显得尤为欠缺;
- This paper discusses the injury mechanism and rehabilitation exercises in patella.The aim is to provide the scientific basis for athletes of track and field in patella. 论述了髌骨损伤的机理及康复方法,旨在为田径运动员减少髌骨损伤提供科学依据。