- Effective migration pathway 有效运移通道
- Offer a migration pathway to more complex constraints. 提供一个升级途径,使之可以更复杂。
- Crack is a good migration pathway in reservoir, so it has great effect in penetrability of oil and gas, especially when fissured oil field come into development phase. 在油气藏中,由于裂缝是油气运移的良好通道,裂缝的存在将对储层中油气的渗透能力产生重大的影响,特别是当裂缝性油气田进入开发阶段。
- effective migration pathways 有效输导体系
- Aim To study the petroleum migration pathway and enrichment regulation of Mesozoic in Ordos Basin. 目的研究鄂尔多斯盆地中生界石油运移通道,总结油气富集规律。
- Chengdao area is abundant in multifarious migration pathways as fault,sand body and unconformable surface, which compose a solid migration pathway. 埕岛地区广泛发育断裂、砂体和不整合面等多种类型输导层,构成复杂的立体网络通道。
- Thus, the form and space distribution of caprock become important sealing factors to affect migration pathways. 因此盖层的形状及空间分布就成了影响运移路径重要的封盖因素。
- Petroleum Accumulation System and Effective Hydrocarbon Migration Pathway in the Kuqa Fold-Thrust Belts, Tarim Basin 库车褶皱冲断带天然气成藏体系及有效运移优势通道
- The buried hill is in structural culmination,faults and unconformities developed well in the buried hill,so it has favourable migration pathways. 该潜山由于处于构造高部位,受多期构造运动影响,断层及不整合面发育,具有良好的油气运移通道,沙河街组四段烃源岩生成的油气多沿此运移至潜山成藏。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Effective migration of surplus rural labor and policy adjustment 我国农村剩余劳动力的有效转移与政策调整
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- Petroleum secondary migration pathway in Mesozoic period, Ordos Basin 鄂尔多斯盆地中生界石油二次运移通道研究
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- Effective, punitive, or destructive action. 有效的行为有效的、惩罚的或破坏性的行为
- Application of NMR imaging technique to quantitative observation and analysis on hydrocarbon migration pathway 核磁共振成像技术在油气运移路径观察与分析中的应用
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。
- I think you'll have to take effective steps. 我认为你得采取有效措施。
- Gentle persuasion is more effective than force. 温和的说服胜於压服。