- Normally, an embryo is formed when an egg containing half its chromosomes is fertilized by a sperm containing the other half. 正常情况下,一个卵子含有一半自己的染色体,精子含另一半染色体,两者相遇刚形成胚胎。
- Eggs contain lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. 蛋包含许多营养物而且是一个能源的非常好来源。
- Eggs contain all the essential protein, minerals and vitamins, except Vitamin C. But egg yolks are one of few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. 鸡蛋含有人体内必需的所有的蛋白质、矿物质和维生素,但没有维生素。但是蛋黄的自然成分中含有维生素,这在食物中是比较少见的一例。
- Sculptures formed from steel and stone share space with works made from bottle tops and egg containers. 用钢铁和石头塑造雕刻品和用瓶盖和鸡蛋做成的作品。
- The duck s egg contained more lecithin and the country chicken s egg contained more cholestenol. 卵磷脂含量最高的为鸭蛋,然后依次为土鸡蛋和洋鸡蛋;
- Many of the eggs contained prizes. 许多金蛋里面都有奖品。
- Milk, yoghurt, egg kind it is wonderful choice. 牛奶、酸乳酪、蛋类都是极好的选择。
- Lastly, eggs contain a high nutrient value yet inexpensive compared to other foods. 最后,鸡蛋含有比其他食物还便宜一些的高营养价值。
- Add egg and yoghurt to the flour mixture and knead. 加入鸡蛋和酸奶搅拌成团。
- Quail eggs are very high in cholesterol. However, quail eggs contain higher protein and mineral than eggs. Quail eggs are considered a good source of supplementary diet. 鹌鹑蛋胆固醇含量高,不宜多吃。不过,鹌鹑蛋比鸡蛋含更丰富蛋白质和矿物元素,更具营养价值,适量食用,能更有效补充身体营养需要。
- He is such a good egg that everyone liked him. 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。
- I usually have a boil egg and a cup of coffee. 我通常吃一个煮鸡蛋,喝一杯咖啡。
- Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?
- The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中。
- He laid an egg as a folk-song singer. 他唱民歌,不受听众欢迎。
- Hyperimmune eggs contain the same amount of protein, calories and fat as regular eggs, but are enriched with advanced immune co-factors through a technology similar to human vaccination. 超免疫蛋像一般蛋一样,含有同样相当数量的蛋白质、热量和脂肪,但透过类似于人类疫苗接种的技术,让蛋富含科技先进的免疫辅助因子。
- She buy a dozen of egg in the market. 她在市场上买了一打鸡蛋。
- Chocolate egg is traditionally eat on Easter day. 人们按传统吃巧克力彩蛋庆祝复活节。
- It's wise to register letters containing banknotes. 信中夹钞票最好寄挂号。
- Whisk the egg and then add the flour. 打好鸡蛋以後再加面粉。