- Eggplant with Fresh Basi 九层塔茄子
- Vegetarian Gluten Kidneys with Fresh Basi 九层塔素腰花
- The bakery serves us with fresh bread daily. 面包店每天都给我们提供新鲜面包。
- The commander's speech infused soldiers with fresh courage. 司令官的讲话给士兵们灌输了新的勇气。
- Eggplant with Bell Pepper Sauce. 清炒茄子。
- Drizzle fresh slices of eggplant with olive oil or Italian dressing, and grill them. 把新鲜茄子切片,淋一点橄榄油或义式沙拉酱,然后拿去烤。
- We need an injection of new blood with fresh ideas. 我们需要有新观念的新人。
- He littered the stable with fresh straw. 他给马厩铺了新鲜稻草。
- Mille feuille of oven baked Australian lamb loin with semi-dried tomato and eggplant with red wine gravy scented with garlic and basi. 澳大利亚烤羊肉配上半干的西红柿和茄子,撒上红酒肉汁、大蒜和罗勒。
- The stable has been littered down with fresh straw. 马棚已铺上新稻草了。
- Lily received his words with fresh appreciation. 他的话又一次得到丽莉的赏识。
- The drains ran with fresh water. 排水沟里潺潺流着清水。
- She filled the jug with fresh water. 她将水壶注满了清水。
- A trap was laid, with fresh bait. 陷阱设置好,还投放了新诱饵。
- He went to work again with fresh courage. 他重新鼓起勇气继续工作。
- The house was gleaming with fresh white paint. 房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。
- Mother kind words animated boy's with fresh hope. 妈妈亲切的话鼓舞儿子怀。
- Fill with fresh water and weigh. 充入淡水,称量重量。
- They decorated the classroom with fresh flowers. 他们用鲜花装饰教室。
- Oven baked seabass fillet and eggplant with battered artichoke, cepe mushroom, parsley, and caper anchovy paste. 烤海带和茄子配上扁朝鲜蓟、牛肚菇、欧芹和凤尾鱼团;