- They are pushing for electoral reform. 他们迫切要求改革选举制度。
- Electoral Reform Commission 选举改革委员会
- MPs renewed their call for electoral reform. 议员们重申他们对选举改革的要求。
- She is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform. 她为选举制度的改革提出极为激进的建议.
- It is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform. 要就选举改革达成共识很困难。
- We need to address electoral reform and reform of parliament. 我们需要处理选举改革与议会改革的问题。
- Taining Center of Hunan Development and Reform Commission. 湖南省发展和改革委员会培训中心。
- The Solicitor General heads the Legal Policy Division, which includes the Law Reform Commission Secretariat. 法律政策科由法律政策专员掌管,辖下设有法律改革委员会秘书处。
- The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms. 政府正坚定地推行选举改革。
- The series of three minority parliaments in Ottawa may well have assuaged the appetite in Canada for electoral reform. 渥太华连续三届的少数党政府也许让加拿大选民对选举改革倒胃口。
- The Solicitor General heads the Legal Policy Division,which includes the Law Reform Commission Secretariat. 法律政策科由法律政策专员掌管,辖下设有法律改革委员会秘书处。
- She chairs the Law Reform Commission and the Committee on Bilingual Legal System; the latter was established to advise the Government on the promotion of legal bilingualism. 律政司司长是香港法律改革委员会和双语法律制度委员会的主席,双语法律制度委员会负责向政府提供发展双语法律制度的意见。
- And why did the opposition party, after becoming the ruling power in 1994, approve of the electoral reform which was advantageous to the LDP? 既有的反对势力,尤其是当时的在野党为何在成为执政党之后,反而成立了对自民党有利的选举制度呢?
- Council will study the consultation paper on conditional fees to be published by the Law Reform Commission. 本局将研究法律改革委员会将发表的按条件收费谘询文件。
- And the larger ones, such as Kadima and the Likud, are not big enough to club together to push a wider electoral reform through. 而诸如前进党、利库德集团这样的大党派也没有足够的规模来协作推动更大范围的选举改制的实施。
- Reporters recently interviewed Fangshan area development Reform Commission Director Cui hill. 记者近日采访了房山区发展改革委员会主任崔山。
- The State Council, or the cabinet, has approved the reform, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said. 国务院已经通过该项改革,国家发改委称。
- With the failure of proportional-representation plans twice in B.C., and in Ontario in 2007, electoral reform has lost its momentum. It is unlikely to resurface for a generation. 由于选举改革两度在卑诗省失败,2007在安省失败,选举改革已经失去了底气。选举改革几乎不可能在这代人身上实现。
- Organizers: Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C National Development And Reform Commission, P.R.C. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.R.C. 主办:中华人民共和国商务部中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会中华人民共和国外交部山东省人民政府。
- "The United States strongly supports democracy through electoral reform and universal suffrage in Hong Kong," US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said in a statement. 美国政府就几个月前香港爆发的所谓“民主”运动发出预告,暗示支持这类行为。