- Electronic Record Keeping 电子记录保存
- Operate computerized inventory record keeping and. 造作计算机化的存货和再定购商品目录。
- Many companies need everything from data entry to record keeping. 许多公司需要从数据输入到记录。
- The cost of record keeping would be over-1 whelming. 记录这些东西的成本大得惊人。
- Balboa was accused of criminal misconduct in regard to his record keeping. 巴尔博亚被指控在保存档案方面犯有渎职罪。
- The Seaside Pirates Swimming Club has decided to automate its record keeping. 决定让俱乐部的记录自动化。
- Electronic records are used but there was no software validation. 使用电子记录但软件未经验证。
- Become familiar with the basic bookkeeping model that illustrates how record keeping impacts the financials. 熟悉基本簿记方法及其对财务的影响。
- Reference Archive Media renders a trustworthy copy of an electronic record to validate a transaction that will satisfy litigation and meet regulatory and audit requirements. 参考档案介质保存了电子记录的一份副件,以便确认某个交易,使其能解决诉讼问题、满足法律规范和审查的要求。
- For an electronic record which comprises multiple electronic files and which has to be signed, each individual file shall be separately signed digitally. 就包括多个电子档案及必须加以签署的电子纪录而言,每一个别档案均须以数码形式分开签署。
- If you're not exactly sure, then it's time to return to the basics-- the basics of good record keeping. 如果你确实无把握,那么这就是该看一看基本工作的时候了一记好帐的基本工作。
- A safe electronic record shall be a genuine, complete and unaltered electronic record, which shall be of equal binding force with that of a written record. 安全的电子记录是真实、完整、未被修改的电子记录,与书面记录具有同等效力。
- This is an important record keeping discipline so you can look up matters that may become important at a later date. 这是一种按规则办事的重要档案材料,这样你就能够对以后可能会变得重要的问题进行查阅。
- However, if ht electronic record bears a notation that evidences the date of shipment or dispatch, the date of the notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment or dispatch. 但如果电子记录载有证明发运或发送日期的批注时,该批注日期将被视为发运或发送日期。
- For the purpose of record keeping costs are subdivided into fixed, variable, and semivariable categories. 为了记帐,这种成本费再可分成固定可变性的和半可变性的三类入帐。
- Incoming Material Inspection Records Kept? 有无来料检验记录?
- Are Colour Continuity Records Kept? 有无色差记录?
- My money management became crisper, and I designed a new approach to record keeping. 我的资金管理更明确了,我还发明了新的交易记录方法。
- The defendants were all traced through a mixture of electronic records and CCTV footage. 被告均有迹可寻通过混合电子记录及闭路电视录像。
- Doctor's record keeping is as important as his healing skill, intuition, and medical knowledge. 一位医师的病历书写与他的医治能力、直觉、医学知识是同等重要。