- On-line application for Hongkong Post e-Cert, a proof of identity in electronic transactions, is also available now. 现在,用于电子交易身份认证的数码证书也可于网上申请了。
- The same can be said of the SET (Secure Electronic Transactions) standard,which is used to encrypt credit card transactions over the Internet. 对SET(安全的电子传输)标准也可以这么说,该标准用于因特网上信用卡交易进行加密。
- Thus, a common information infrastructure will be made available to the whole community for various kinds of electronic transactions. 换言之,整个社会可藉著一套共通的资讯基建设施,进行各类电子交易。
- A proposed legal framework for electronic transactions was discussed at a meeting by the LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting. 立法会资讯科技及广播事务委员会举行会议,对就电子交易制定的拟议法律架构进行讨论。
- The same can be said of the SET (Secure Electronic Transactions) standard, which is used to encrypt credit card transactions over the Internet. 对SET(安全的电子传输)标准也可以这么说,该标准用于因特网上信用卡交易进行加密。
- The SET (Secure Electronic Transactions) is an secure credit card transactions protocol, designed by MasterCard and VISA. SET(安全电子交易 )协议是由MasterCard和VISA制定的 ,基于信用卡的安全支付协议。
- Digital IDs (also called certificates) are special documents that allow you to prove your identity in electronic transactions. 数字标识(又称证书)是允许您在电子事务中提供身份证明的特殊文档。
- Within Hong Kong,creating an infrastructure for the free flow of electronic transactions in the community will help promote the development and growth of new IT products and services. 在本地发展资讯基建,鼓励各界自由地进行电子交易,将有助推动资讯科技新产品和新服务的发展。
- To enable safe and secure electronic transactions by providing a framework for ensuring the integrity of information exchanged and for authenticating the identity of participants in such transactions. 建立适当架构以确保在电子交易中所交换的资料完整无缺,以及认证参与交易者的身分,使电子交易稳妥可靠。
- To facilitate the development of electronic commerce in Hong Kong, there is a need to establish a clear legal framework to provide for certainty in the conduct of electronic transactions. 为促进电子商业在香港的发展,我们有需要设立明确的法律架构,使电子交易在有所依据的情况下进行。
- Hongkong Post is the first public recognised certification authority issuing recognized digital certificates e-Cert that comply with the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance in Hong Kong. 香港邮政是香港首家认可的公共核证机关,发出符合香港电子交易条例要求的认可数码证书,用以核实参与电子交易双方的身分及稳妥地传送资料。
- Hongkong Post issues digital certificates to authenticate the identities of subscribers and provides a secure and trusted environment for the implementation of electronic transactions. 香港邮政签发电子核证证书,以认证证书持有人的身分,确保提供安全稳妥的电子交易环境。
- The scheme will give consumers confidence in using recognized digital certificates issued by a recognized CA, thus promoting the wider use of electronic transactions in the community. 核证机关自愿认可制度可加强用户对使用由核证机关发出的数码证书的信心,从而推动社会各界广泛应用电子交易。
- Personal identification number: a numeric code which the cardholder may need to quote for verification of identity. In electronic transactions, it is seen as the equivalent of a signature. 个人识别码:持卡人需要提供的一种数字代码用以验证其身份。在电子交易中,它相当于签名。
- By deploying nProtect on their websites, financial institutions offering e-services, portals and e-commerce sites can increase the security level for the end-users when they perform electronic transactions. 在最终用户在执行电子贸易时,可以通过将nProtect配置在那些提供电子商务、进口贸易,电子贸易的金融机构的网站上,来提高安全等级。
- It is essential to have secure transactions in an electronic commerce environment.To ensure the security of electronic transactions, a good cryptosystem is required for providing a solution. 摘要在电子商务环境中,一个安全的交易环境是不可或缺的,而安全的密码系统正提供我们一个很好的解决方案。
- SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol, which is empoldered by VISA andMASTCARD, is important to EC success. VISA和MASTCARD所开发SET(Secure ElectronicTransaction,安全电子交易)协议对于电子商务的成功是重要的。
- Today, secure electronic transaction protocols mainly include SSL protocol and SETprotocol. 目前的安全电子交易协议主要有安全套接层(SSL)协议和安全电子交易(SET)协议。
- The SET protocol is developed by MasterCard and VISA as an Secure Electronic Transaction protocol. SET协议是由 Master Card和 VISA制定的安全电子交易协议。
- Helen became an electronic engineer. 海伦成了一名电子工程师。