- Emotional reality show 情感真人秀
- The reality show has been spotted at ten p.m. 真人秀定于晚上十点播出。
- "It is unscripted.It is kind of like a reality show. 这是未经加工的,就同现实中的表演一样。
- Libra woman GAO both rational and emotional reality with both nostalgic feelings, and aesthetic fashion. 天秤女子既具有理性的清高,又具有感性的现实,既有怀旧的情怀,又有时尚的审美。
- As for the standard reality show drama, backstabbing gossip and tears? 至于标准实境节目的戏剧性、损人的八卦和眼泪呢?
- Gosselin had starred since 2007 on the hit reality show "Jon & Kate Plus 8". 戈瑟兰自从2007年主演了真人秀“乔恩和凯特加8”后一举成名。
- History and reality show that the force of the Japanese militarism sho uld never be neglected. 历史与现实说明对日本 军国主义势力不能掉以轻心。
- That is because the organic elements of the "reality show" are fully used to recreate native amusement. 是因为真人秀元素中的有机成分正在最大限度地被利用起来进行一个个本土化的再创造。
- Daytime TV consists of nothing but soap operas and reality shows. 白天的电视除了肥皂剧和真人秀外,就没什么节目了。
- They are talking about their favorite reality shows. 他们在谈论自己最喜欢的真人秀节目。
- But reality show stars the Osbourne family are also absent, despite peaking at number 12 last year. 但纪实表演明星奥斯伯恩家族同样榜上无名,尽管他们去年曾排在第12位。
- Seven winners of "Chan's Disciples," a TV reality show aimed at unearthing kung fu stars, have supporting roles. 挖掘功夫高手的电视选秀节目“龙的传人”中,7名获胜者,担当配角。
- Adapt to such changes is also a reality show it is also in constant competition and an expression of reflection. 这样的变化也是适应现实的表现吧,也是在不断的竞争与反思后的一种表现。
- Executives can also quickly pull the plug on a reality show if it falters, and then finance another. 如果一出“真人秀”收视率不稳,经理们可以激流勇退,转而投资下一个节目。
- Unless you're a complete jackass or a reality show producer, nobody wants to inflict pain. 除非你是一个彻头彻尾的傻瓜,或者是一真人秀的制片人,否则没有人想徒增烦恼和痛苦。
- This marital endgame reflects the fact that there are, in effect, two emotional realities in a couple, his and hers. 这一婚姻困境反映了这样一种事实,即实际上,一对夫妻中存在两种情绪,他的和她的。
- Pasik said the project is part art, part reality show, part journalism and part fun. But it is definitely not vigilantism. 帕西克称这个计划是艺术、“真人秀”、新闻报道和娱乐的结合体,但肯定不是维护治安的手段。
- He harangues his wife about her wastefulness.As viewers of HGTV's green reality show Living With Ed know, he has used a stopwatch to time her showers. 当观众看到HGTV这个频道,你会发现与艾德一起居住的事实,他曾经用秒表来计算她淋浴的时间。
- Life at Cramer Berkowitz was like living in a reality show, a surreal story you couldn't possibly fathom unless you saw it with your own eyes. 在CramerBerkowitz工作就像活在一场真人秀里,其荒诞离奇之处,假如不是亲身经历,根本想象不出来。
- Academy Fantasia" or "AF" is the most popular reality show in Thailand owned by "True Visions TV" (formerly known as UBC). 梦幻学院或者称为AF是泰国的最流行的真人秀节目,它隶属于真视TV(以前叫做UBC)旗下。