- From the time of Emperor Wu, the Music Conservatory grew by leaps and bounds. 从汉武帝时开始,乐府越末越庞大,
- The dancers gathered in one group again in the last part to pay tribute to Emperor Wu. 第六段舞队重新集合,列队向武王致敬。
- Though forbidden by Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, Mohism was exerting its influences all the way in the 2000-plus years of feudal society. 摘要墨家思想虽遭汉武帝废黜,但在两千多年封建社会中并未绝其影响。
- The dance "Dawu" was composed by the Duke of Zhou after Emperor Wu successfully overthrew the Shang Dynasty. 周乐《大武》,是武王伐纣胜利后由周公创编的
- D. 428, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty ordered Peisongzhi to make notes for Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms. 元嘉五年(428年),宋文帝下诏命裴氏注《三国志》,上呈,文帝赞其为不朽之作。
- It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. 节日的夜晚,明月之下,人们点起彩灯万盏,或赏圆月或观舞龙,喜猜灯谜,燃放烟火。
- Historical records say: Emperor Wu led punitive expeditions to conquer Emperor Zhou and eventually overthrew the Shang Dynasty. 史载:武王伐纣,推翻商殷,
- In the reign of Emperor Wu of Han (140-87 BC), the Music Conservatory was given a great deal of attention, and its work flourished. 乐府在汉武帝时(前140-前87)受到格外重视,也得到了很大发展、
- Zhang Qian the second put through the Western Regions reach dark grandson, dark king Sun give dozens of horses to Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. 张骞第二次通西域到乌孙,乌孙王就送了几十匹马给汉武帝。
- Outside the western slope, there is the Qing Emperor Kangxi imperial brush, "the emperor Wu Department reading" stele a pass. 门外西坡上还有清康熙皇帝御笔“天子阅武处”碑碣一通。
- In 109 BC, Emperor Wu sent General Guo Chang south to Yunnan, establishing Yizhou commandery and twenty-four subordinate counties. 公元前109年,汉武帝派将军郭昌南行,到达云南,建立益州郡和下属二十四个县。
- The well-known "Dawu"was a grand dance which incorporated the art forms of dance, music and poetry together in depicting Emperor Wu's expedition to overthrow the Shang Dynasty. 著名的《大武》就是综合了舞、乐、诗等艺术形式,表现武王灭商这一历史事件的情节性大型歌舞。
- Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty carried out a policy of proscribing all non-Confucian schools of thought and espousing Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology. 汉武帝推行罢黜百家,独尊儒术的政策。
- Tianshou the first year (690) proclaim oneself emperor Wu, Yue warrior for his father Zhuifeng Takaaki high and the emperor, the text of its water for the grave Hao Ling. 天授元年(690)武则天称帝,追封其父武士彟为孝明高皇帝,其文水坟墓为昊陵。
- Engraved on the North Zhengshi the first year of Emperor Wu Wei Xuan (504 AD), an excellent stone, engraved with the book are fine, the inscriptions intact. 刻于北魏宣武帝正始元年(公元504年),石质极好,书刻俱精,铭文完好如初。
- To expand the burgeoning trade with Burma and India, Emperor Wu also sent Tang Meng to maintain and expand the Five Foot Way, renaming it "Southwest Barbarian Way" (西南夷道). 为了扩大与缅甸和印度急速增长的贸易需求,汉武帝派汤蒙去加固并扩宽“五尺道”,重新命名为“西南夷道”。
- The Han period produced China's most famous historian, Sima Qian ( 145-87 B.C.), whose Shiji ( Historical Records) provides a detailed chronicle from the time of a legendary Xia emperor to that of the Han emperor Wu Di ( 141-87 B.C.). 汉代造就了中国最伟大的史学家-司马迁(公元前145-公元前87),他的《史记》采用编年史的形式,详细地介绍了从传说中的夏帝一直到汉武帝这一段时期的历史。
- REN Fang, a historian in the Qi- and Liang-dynasties, once served as Emperor Wu’s historiographer whereas norecords are available to confirm that REN Fang had written canonicalhistory. 任昉是齐梁时期的历史学家,曾做过梁武帝的史官,但没有任昉写过正史的记录。
- When he learned this place was the well-known Maotai Town, Qianlong became very excited about tasting the liquor so called “sweet, pure and beautiful” by “Emperor Wu” of the Han Dynasty. 当得知所到之处就是闻名天下的益镇(今茅台镇)时,乾隆兴致大增,想亲口品尝杯汉武帝称之为“甘之美”的枸酱酒。
- The Han Emperor Wu Di offered sacrifices at the site in 205 BC, and the Kong Miao continued to be patronized by various emperors across the centuries. 汉武帝于公元前205年首次在该庙献祭,此后的数百年间孔庙不断地得到各位帝王们的资助。