- Endo Sumio 远藤纯男
- E endo tornato a casa , vorrei riposarmi bene. 我已回到家,要好好休息休息.
- Michael Endo I approach my subjects as an investigator. 米歇尔.;隐多--我是站在一个调查者的角度去考虑我的作品主题的。
- In addition,the appearance of EAD in Mid was earlier than that of Epi and Endo. 此外 ,Mid的EAD出现的时相早于Epi和Endo,其中Epi和Endo的EAD的耦联间期分别与Mid的EAD的耦联间期具有相关性。
- Sunagawa and Endo Y.1968.Macro-and Micro-morphology of Quartz and Pyrite[M]. 潘兆橹.;1993
- The endo anhydride method is the main process in chemical synthesis today. 化学合成法中的内酐法为现阶段的主要生产方法;
- The coupling interval of EAD in Epi and Endo both were relative to that of EAD in Mid. Endo的EAD的出现率多于Epi。
- The synergistic tests showed that the synergism toward pyrethroid of 1(endo) is better than 2 (exo). 杀虫增效活性试验证明 :内型结构 ( endo) 1的增效活性强于外型结构 ( exo) 2。
- EAD was much more readily induced in Mid than in Epi and Endo with dosedependence. 静注索他洛尔后 ,在Mid比Epi和Endo更容易记录EAD并具有剂量依赖性。
- Rodziewicz CS,Kelly RT, Kellman RM,et al.Transnasal endo scopic surgery of the pituitary gland. 刘运生;袁贤瑞;刘景平;等.;经眶-额下入路显微手术切除大型、巨大型垂体腺瘤技术探讨
- The preg nancy rate, menstrual condition, the growth and development of follicle and endo metrium were detected. 观察患者受孕和月经周期改善情况,B超连续动态监测卵泡直径和子宫内膜的生长发育情况。
- Endo K,Toguchi T,Toguchi F,et al.Antiinflammatory principles of Atractylodes rhizomes[J].Chem Pharm Bull,1979,27:2954. 汤得芳;郝玉珩;刘佐雅;等.;平江白术根茎挥发油的成分及其抑瘤作用研究[J]
- Furthermore, with gasoline prices falling sharply, an incentive for cutting fuel costs has disappeared," Endo said. 再者随着汽油价格迅速下滑,减少汽油开销这一出发点也已经不存在了。”
- Endo K,Toguchi T,Toguchi F,et al.Antiinflammatory principles of Atractylodes rhizomes[ J].Chem Pharm Bull,1979,27:2954. 汤德芳;郝玉珩;刘佐雅;等.;平江白术根茎挥发油的成分及其抑瘤作用研究[J];药学通报;1984;19(9):43
- Endo and exo cycloaddition products (15)( 16) were obtained when (14) was cyclized by the catalysis of BF_3.Et_2Oat room temperature. Lewis acid(BF3.;Et2O)催化化合物(14)进行IMDA反应,分离得到endo和exo两种环合产物,(15)和(16);
- METHODS Ls-HPC was used as the disintegrant to prepare the tablets in 2 ways: endo and exo,and we investigated the stability of heat,moist and light. 方法选用低取代羟丙基纤维素等为崩解剂,采用崩解剂内加和外加相结合的方法制成分散片,并对其热、湿、光等稳定性进行考察,以总黄酮进行质量控制。
- Hyperhomocysteinaemia is an important risk factor for atherosclerosis caused by the cytotxity of its oxidation stress causing the endo dermis damage. 高同型半胱氨酸血症(HH)是引起动脉粥样硬化的危险因素, 可通过增加机体氧化应激因子的细胞毒性作用,损害内皮细胞而引起动脉粥样硬化。
- The hemostasis effect, the improvements of clinical symptoms, the variety of the hemodynamics and the density of endo"metrium were observed. 结果:治疗前两组在临床表现、血流变指标及子宫内膜厚度方面均无显著性差异(P>0.;05);
- Longer term, green cars may be necessary lineups for carmakers because of regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions, Endo said. 从长远看来,绿色环保汽车是汽车制造商必备的产品阵容,因为有条例计划限制温室气体的排放。
- So I Sexy fould l ce to enc Tramp ourage all readersmnot to resign and not put your hands i mn your laps waitinz for the Tramp endo l ciome. 因此我想要鼓励所有的读者不要放弃,也不要把你的手放在膝上,等著末日的到来。