- Engineering Release Date 工程交付日期
- Should not exceed the scheduled design release date. 不能超过图纸发放日期;
- Blizzard has not yet announced a release date for StarCraft 2. 暴雪仍没有确定星际2的发布日期。
- I knew what had to be done. May 14 would be the release date -- Mother's Day. 该是把鸟放在归大自然的时候了,日子就选在5月14日的母亲节。
- It is being planned, but we do not have even an estimated release date for it. 正在计划中,但还没有一个明确的发布日期。
- There is no set release date so far, but we'll keep you posted on the project. 到目前为止没有集合发行日期,但是我们在项目将保持您被张贴。
- To begin with, Team M33 never really had a set release date for the CFW! 开始与, 合作M33 从未真正地有集合发行日期为CFW!
- We will make an announcement of the release date if there are any changes. 如果有任何的变化,我们将会使释放的一个公告成为日期。
- Access to product sneak peeks and release dates. 获得产品偷偷偷窥和发布日期。
- Another film that is undergoing cutting - and a release date change - is the $70 million sci-fi update The Time Machine, starring Guy Pearce. 另一部即将被剪切镜头和更改放映期的影片是耗资7000万美元的科幻电影《时间机器》,该影片由盖伊-皮尔斯领衔主演。
- Pricing and availability will be determined and announced much closer to the release date. 价格和销售点将在临近发布日期时决定并公布。
- So, how do you feel about the PSP being hacked so quickly after the USA release date? 恩,对于PSP才在美国上市不久就被破解您是怎么认为的?
- We'll have more details on specific system requirements closer to the release date. 我们将在临近发布日期时公开具体系统要求细节。
- Decisions related to the types of retail packages available will be made much closer to the game's release date. 类似零售包装类型等决定将在临近游戏发布日期时公开。
- Additionally, the release date for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been confirmed for November 21, 2008. 另:《哈利·波特与混血王子》的上映时间已确定在2008年的11月21日。
- The _Conflux_ set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play on its official release date. 自正式发售当日起,_聚流_系列便可在有认证之构组赛制中使用。
- Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey (1995). Directed by Steven M. Martin. Video Release Date: July 5, 2000. 特雷门:电子奥德赛(1995),史蒂芬.M.马丁导演,影片出版日期:2000年7月25日。
- WERS Worldwide Engineering Release System 全球工程发布系统
- The _Shards of Alara_ set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play on its official release date. 自正式发售当日起,_阿拉若断片_系列便可在有认证之构组赛制中使用。
- New release date is wednesday or thursday, depends on the outcome of the retesting. 新的发布时间在周3或周4,主要是看进展而定。