- Problems in and solutions to managing English Resource Center 英语资源中心管理存在的问题与对策思考
- English Resource Center 英语资源中心
- Pacific Concerns Resource Center Inc. 太平洋关注问题资源中心。
- Welcome to our Chu-Bei Elementary School English Resource Wiki! 欢迎来到竹北国小英语资源维基网!
- This example loads the IDE with English resources strings. 此示例加载带有英语资源字符串的IDE。
- A Parent Self Study Library and Resource Center was opened and is staffed by parent volunteers. 此外,我们也协助开办了一个家长自学图书室和资源中心,其中的书籍和资料大多是由家长志愿者捐赠的。
- IT Resource Center Forums > Management software and system tools > server performance &workload mgmt. IT资源中心(论坛)惠普(美国)的所有网页
- Modeling Web Application Design with UML, by Conallen Inc. - Extensive whitepaper at the UML Resource Center. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Chinese Christian Training Resources Center - Traditional. 华人基督徒培训供应中心。
- Resources Center National Center for Educational Technology. 中央电化教育馆资源中心。
- Pamela Curr is a campaign strategist for the Asylum Resource Center in Melbourne. 科尔是寻求庇护者资源中心的战略专家。
- There is also access to the QRC Resource Center special collections catalog, which is searchable by keyword and resource type. 此外,还提供有其资源中心的专门馆藏目录,可以按照关键词和资源类型进行检索。
- The Naval Oceanographic Office Major Shared Resource Center will manage the machine, located at Stennis Space Center, Miss. 负责管理这台计算机的将是海军海洋图像办公室主要共享资源中心,该中心位于密西西比州的斯坦尼斯空间中心。
- In response to this stated need, NIAID made the commitment to establish a malaria reagent resource center for use by qualified investigators worldwide. 作为对上述会议的回应,美国国立变态反应和感染研究所(NIAID)承诺建立供世界上具有一定资质的研究人员使用的疟疾试剂资源中心。
- Mr. Zhang Xiaodian is the director of Global Human Resource Center of Tiens Group, also the HR director of Tiens Biotech Group USA Inc. 张晓典,天狮集团全球人力资源中心总监,天狮美国生物科技有限公司人力资源总监。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Then, it sums up some experience of earing for and serving for families from "Guangzhou Likang Family Resource Center". 然后总结了“广州市利康家属资源中心”关心家属、服务家属的相关经验;
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- Pregnancy Resource Center of Fort Bend County - Pregnancy testing, peer counsel, maternity clothes, baby items, and referrals. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Elmwood Pediatrics - A pediatric practice caring for children in Rochester and Pittsford. Provider directory, resource center and parent information provided. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。