- English keeper of pipeline 管线兵
- The keeper of a royal forest or park. 皇家园林卫队保护皇家森林和公园的看守者
- The keeper of the keys in a prison; a jailer. 监狱看守掌管监狱钥匙的人,狱卒
- The keeper of a public house or tavern. 酒店或小酒馆的老板
- Keeper of the Law Why such fury, Clanlord? 是什么让你如此愤怒,部落首领?
- The dog with whelp is the keeper of the House. 大狗小狗会看家,猫儿捣毁鼠穴;
- The keeper of the keys in a prison;a jailer. 监狱看守掌管监狱钥匙的人,狱卒
- "I am the keeper of the family jewels," Cano says. “”我是这个珍宝家族的看护者,卡诺说。
- You realize you alone you are the keeper of this path. 你觉悟到只有你自己一人才是这条路的管理者。
- New-age executives want to be the keeper of their own souls. 新时代的雇员想成为自己灵魂的固守者.
- Flower power blocks pipe: Orchid causes re-think of pipeline route. 珍稀兰花拦道,水管铺设改线路。
- An example of pipeline monitoring via direct buried TT5000 in PVC. 这里有一个例子是关于通过直接把TT5000埋在地下的PVC管中来监控管线的。
- Keeper of the Law What will you do now, Chief of the Shadowbrand? 作为阴影烙印部落的首领,你现在打算怎么做?
- Such dark pigment plays the role of the keeper of the void. 这些暗色素扮演着空无(虚空)保管者的角色。
- Soc. I wonder the keeper of the prison would let you in. 我在想监牢的守卫怎会让你进来?
- We are the keepers of this legacy. 我们是这份遗产的保管人。
- Steve Miessner, the Keeper of the Oscars, rides along with them. 与小金人们同行的是它们的保姆史蒂夫梅斯纳。
- From Valves and Fittings, drag valve shapes on top of pipelines. 从“阀门和管件”中,将阀门形状拖到管道之上。
- Keeper of the Keys and Grounds Hagrid 's title, along with Gamekeeper. 场地看守和钥匙保管员海格的头衔,同时还兼任猎场看守。
- Make a unified plan of the increase of pipeline resources, make best use of their storage and provide fair services. 管道资源增量统一规划、存量优化使用,公平服务。