- Enterprise Objects Framework 计划目标框架
- Based on CORBA and Internet, themanufacturing cell object framework is built up, which can be applied todesign distributed system, using this framework designer can ?assemble? 于分布系统设计的制造单元对象框架,在此框架下,设计者可以根据需要
- It will play import role in achieving an enterprise object whether the strategic management execute effectly or not. 战略管理能否得到有效得实施,对实现一个机构或企业的目标至关重要。
- Assist supervisors in integrating enterprise objectives and developing leadership, being an excellent leader in every aspect. 帮助主管整合企业目标与领导力开发,成为全方位领袖。
- Checkpointing Process Based on Virtual Object Framework 一种基于虚拟对象的进程检查点实现方法
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
- Beware of all enterprise that require new clothes. 凡是要求有新衣服的计划,都得加以提防。
- He works in a private enterprise. 他在一家私人企业工作。
- Plan is killing free enterprise. 规划扼杀自由经营。
- Research and Implementation of Multi-level Access Pattern-based Prefetching in Persistent Object Framework 持久对象框架中基于多级访问模式的对象预取技术研究与实现
- The enterprise collapsed through lack of support. 该企业因无力支持而倒闭。
- The enterprise is an applicant of this credit. 这家企业是信用证的申请者。
- Research and Implementation of Network Fault Management System Based on Distributed Object Framework 基于分布式的网络故障管理系统的研究与实现
- The enterprise was doomed to failure. 该企业注定要失败。
- He was the soul of the enterprise. 他是这家企业的主脑。
- Mr Smith launched out on an enterprise. 史密斯先生精力充沛地创办一个企业。
- Tom is a man of great enterprise. 汤姆很有进取精神。
- This enterprise is doing a good business. 这家企业生意兴隆。
- He is a man of great enterprise. 他是个事业心很强的人。
- It's unwise to tie up all your capital in one enterprise. 把你的全部资金都投到一个企业中是不明智的。