- Entitled to sickness benefit (组成三角形、矩形等平面图形的)边
- Are you entitled to unemployment benefit? 你有资格领取失业救济金吗?
- You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked. 从未参加过工作,就没有资格领取失业救济金。
- He's not entitled to claim unemployment benefit. 他无权要求领取失业救济金。
- Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. 每个人都可以有他自己的想法。
- Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. 每个被告都有机会出庭答辩
- Women are entitled to maternity leave. 妇女有权享有产假。
- You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year. 你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。
- The sickness benefit pays monthly. 按月支付疾病津贴。
- Every child in the country is entitled to free education at school. 该国的每一个小孩都享有免费上学接受教育的权利。
- After a hard day's work she felt entitled to a rest. 她劳累了一天,觉得理应休息一下了。
- An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list. 每名选民可投一票,支持一份参选名单。
- I am not a babe in arms. I am entitled to go out for a walk by myself. 我不是需人怀抱的娃娃,我有权自己出去走走了。
- You is entitled to challenge any arbitrator. 你方有权对任何仲裁员表示异议。
- The doctor made three calls to sick patients. 医生3次探访病人。
- The employee of the firm is entitled to an annual pay left of30 days. 该公司雇员每年享受三十天带薪的假期。
- We have verified that he is entitled to the estate. 我们已确认他有权利继承那笔遗产。
- He felt that he was entitled to a large reward. 他觉得他理应得到更大的报酬。
- Only the top students are entitled to this prize. 只有成绩优秀的学生才能获得这种奖励。
- The lord was entitled to wardship. 领主有权实行监护。