- Environmental Factors In FLT 论外语教学中的环境因素
- CCA of water beetles'distribution and environmental factors in lentic samples of North Changbai Mountain. 长白山北坡静水水体中水甲虫分布与环境关系的典范对应分析。
- The biochemical composition of POM and its relationship with environmental factors in Daya Bay were studied. 对大亚湾海域颗粒有机物(POM)的生化组成与环境因子的关系进行了研究。 现场 采样调查分别于1995年5月和11月进行。
- This article focuses on recent research of possible genetic and environmental factors in AITD. 本文回顾近年来有关AITD致病因素的研究进展。
- Ultraviolet (UV) is one of the most important environmental factor in exciting lupus erythematosus(LE), part of LE patients being photosensitive. 紫外线(UV)是激发红斑狼疮(LE)的重要的环境因素之一,部分LE患者具有光敏感性。
- Culture teaching is an important content in FLT. 文化教学是外语教学中一个重要内容。
- In communicating with elders, pay attention to the physical, psychological and environmental factors in individual situations, and apply appropriate communication skills accordingly. 我们要留意长者生理和心理上的特点,及考虑各种环境的因素,适当及灵活地运用一些沟通的技巧。
- The species composition and quantitative distribution of zooplankton collected from Tongan Bay in 2000 were analyzed and studied on their relation with environmental factors in this paper. 本文主要研究 2 0 0 0年同安湾浮游动物的种类组成和数量分布 ,并就其与环境因子的关系进行了初步探讨。
- Frost action is one of the important environmental factors in alpine and periglacial climate.Among them, freeze-thaw process is the most influential geomorphologic process in the area. 寒冻为高山与冰缘气候中,常见的环境因子,冻融作用亦是其中最重要的地形营力。
- It was believed that the production and the variety of microcystin coming from Cyanobacteria were affected by the biodiversity,its own biomass and other environmental factors in a lake or a river. 保障蓝藻在种群竞争、生态演替中获得竞争优势的各因素中,藻毒素发挥了重要调节作用。
- A fine script is the most important factor in producing a successful film. 一个好的电影剧本是制作一部好影片的重要因素。
- Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career. 自信是任何成功之道的关键因素。
- His manner is a factor in his success. 他的举止是他取得成功的一个因素。
- The committee's support is an important factor in the success of the project. 委员会的支持是该项目取得成功的一个重要因素。
- A limiting factor in the improvement of health is the lack of doctors. 对改善健康状况的一个限制因素是缺少医生。
- The rise in unemployment is an important factor in the increase crime rate. 失业的增加是犯罪率升高的一个重要因素。
- Light intensity is the most important environmental factor. 光照强度是最重要的环境因素。
- The report also factors in the underground economy. 该报告也计入了地下经济因素。
- Which environmental factors must be considered while regulating and controlling the environment of soilless culture? 对无土栽培的环境设施调控,应考虑哪些主要的环境因素?
- Pollination Factors in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. 药用植物丹参传粉因子的研究。