- Epidemiological studies have suggested an association of carotene intake and resistance to certain types of human cancers. 流行病学的研究表明胡萝卜素进食量与抵抗人某些类型的癌症有关。
- Epidemiological studies give evidence to prove that Cruciferous vegetables(CFV) have anticancer and antitumor effects. 流行病学研究表明辣根及其它十字花科蔬菜(CFV)具有抗癌症和肿瘤的作用。
- These questions can be resolved only by epidemiological studies comparing individuals with and without the lesion. 只有通过流行病学研究,比较有损害和没有损害的病人,才可以回答这些问题。
- Epidemiological studies on DHE abuse suggested that DHE produced heroin-like euphorigenic effect with a high abuse potential. 二氢埃托啡的滥用特点是量小、效强、耐受形成快、作用时间短以及鼻吸、烫吸、注射等多途径滥用。
- The safety of LGG is verified by many in vitro experiments,animal studies,clinical studies and epidemiological studies. 此外,作为一种益生菌,LGG还具有耐胃酸、耐胆汁、可定殖于人体肠道、产品保质期内活菌数保持恒定等优点。
- Epidemiological studies suggest that people taking statins have a lower risk of acquiring Alzheimer's. 流行病学研究指出,服用史达汀的人,罹患阿兹海默症的风险也较低。
- In recent years epidemiological studies indicate that enteric viruses were the leading cause of foodborne disease. 最近的流行病学数据表明,在全世界的范围内肠道病毒正在成为导致食品源传染性疾病的最主要的原因。
- But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not prove causeeffect. 可是流行病学的研究发现,几组资料在数据方面有所关联,却没有证实其因果关系。
- But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not prove cause and effect. 可是流行病学的研究发现,几组资料在数据方面有所关联,却没有证实其因果关系。
- Recent epidemiological studies suggest the emergence of resistant strains of candida as well as mycelial fungi other than Aspergillus in these patients. 近来的流行病学研究表明:在这些患者中,除曲霉菌之外,念珠菌、丝状真菌都出现了抗性菌株。
- Such approach calls for integrated topic teaching rather than the isolated presentation of the findings of epidemiological studies. 像这样的一个思路,就不是孤立地展示流行病研究所见,而要求我们提出课题的整体指导。
- The EPD devoted a great many resources to conducting the epidemiological studies that would establish a sound scientific basis for the Programme. 所述,环保署进行了流行病学研究,建立可靠的科学结论作为基础,以推行泳滩水质监测计划。
- Epidemiological studies in UK ascribed the occurrence and the spreading of BSE to feeding cattle with meat and bone meals (MBM) derived from ruminants. 英国的流行病学研究证实,污染的饲料是BSE传播的主要途径。
- The Carlsson-Dent GERD questionnaire could be used in epidemiological studies to assess GERD in elder and in interventional studies of GERD. Carlsson-Dent问卷可用于筛选老年GERD,结合PPI试验可提高诊断的敏感性。
- Epidemiological study of depression in aged population in Shanghai area. 上海地区老年抑郁症的流行病学调查
- The models of risk assessments have been established on the basis of epidemiological studies on the LSS cohort of A-bomb survivors and miners. 在对日本原爆幸存者、有关矿工等受照人群的癌症发生率和死亡率的流行病学研究的基础上,建立了癌症危险估算模型。
- Donald Max Parkin, a research fellow at the University of Oxford's Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit. 帕金是牛津大学临床实验中心和流行病研究中心的研究员。
- Many epidemiological studies have shown a strong inverse relation between exposure to sunlight and the incidence of certain types of cancer. 许多流行病学研究显示,曝晒于阳光下和引发某些类型的癌症之间有极强的逆关系。
- In recent years, several large epidemiological studies have provided new information on the prevalence of the major age related eye diseases in Asia. 近年来,在亚洲进行的多项群体调查为年龄相关眼病的流行病学情况提供了新的信息。
- Molecular epidemiological studies on foot-and-mouth disease type O Taiwan viruses from the 1997 epidemic.Vet Microbiol 74(3):207-216. 2000.;基因重组腺病毒于猪平滑肌细胞中传送与表达效率之探讨。