- Epimedium pubescens Maxim. 柔毛淫羊藿
- Epimedium Pubescen Flavonoid(EPF) 淫羊藿总黄酮
- Effects of epimedium pubescens icariine on proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblasts 淫羊藿苷对人成骨细胞增殖与分化的影响
- Keywords Epimedium Pubescen Flavonoid(EPF);Passive smoking;Bone Mineral Density (BMD);Bone histomorphometry; 淫羊藿总黄酮;被动吸烟;骨密度;骨形态学指标;
- Keywords epimedium pubescens flavonoids;diethylstilbestrol;osteoporosis;ovariectomized rat; 淫羊藿总黄酮;己烯雌酚;骨质疏松;去卵巢大鼠;
- Epimedium pubescens flavonoids 淫羊藿总黄酮
- Epimedium pubescensn. 柔毛淫羊藿
- Epimedium macranthum Morr.et Decne. 大花淫羊藿
- Epimedium sagittatum(Sieb.et Zucc.)Maxim. 箭叶淫羊藿
- Plant community of Epimedium brevieornu Maxim. 淫羊藿群落
- A New Variety of Mussaenda pubescens Ait. F. 玉叶金花一新变种。
- Standardized Plant Extract Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Citrus Aurantium P.
- Study on Preserved Fruit of Physalis pubescens L. 毛酸浆果果脯的研制。
- Tissue Culture of Physalis pubescens L. 毛酸浆的组织培养。
- Toona ciliata Roem. var. pubescens (Franch.) Hand.-Mazz. 毛红椿
- RESULTS 18 species small-flowered taxa of Epimedium L.were found in China. 结果中国有淫羊藿小花类群18种。
- Conclusion: Epimedium sagittatum had protective action for myocardial ischemia. 结论淫羊藿总苷对急性心肌缺血具有保护作用。
- To assay polysaccharides content of epimedium in different breed and source. [目的]定不同品种不同产地淫羊藿多糖的含量。
- Determination of inorganic elements and amino acids in Phaysalis pubescens L. 天泡子果实无机元素和氨基酸的测定。
- Results: There are 27 species large-flowered taxa of Epimedium in China. 结果:中国有淫羊藿大花类群27种。