- A person of equal status or rank; a peer. 地位相同的人相同状态或地位的人
- Compeer:a person of equal status or rank; a peer. 相同状态或地位的人.
- Women must have equal status in society. 妇女在社会上必须有平等的地位。
- Is it helpful to have more than one management node for a cluster? 集群中使用多个管理节点是否更好?
- A starring actor or actress given equal status with another or others in a play or film. 合演明星在一出戏剧或电影中与其他某一个人或某些人具有相同地位的明星男演员或女演员
- Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. 妇女只是要求得到和男人平等的地位。
- The parties held equal status according to the contract. 合同双方依据合同,享有平等的地位。
- Women must have equal statue in society. 妇女在社会中必须有平等的地位。
- They each have separate content repositories, and synchronization between each Workplace Web Content Management node is done through a process called syndication. 它们各自都具有独立的内容存储库,每个Workplace Web Content Management节点之间的同步通过一个名为联合的过程来完成。
- As stated previously, Workplace Web Content Management tables cannot be shared, as each Workplace Web Content Management node requires a dedicated set of tables. 就像前面所提到的,Workplace Web Content Management的表不能被共享,因为每个Workplace Web Content Management节点需要一组专用的表。
- Therefore the development of universities' status management must be based on humanism. 因此高校学籍管理创新必须以人本主义管理思想为基础理论,从而形成以学生为本的高校学籍管理。
- There are still some countries where an equal status for men and women has not been achieved. 在有些国家,男女平等还没有真正实现。
- In China,all religions have equal status and coexist in tranquillity. Religious disputes are unknown in China. 在中国,各种宗教地位平等,和谐共处,未发生过宗教纷争。
- In China all religions have equal status and coexist in tranquillity. Religious disputes are unknown in China. 在中国,各种宗教地位平等,和谐共处,未发生过宗教纷争;
- First, what the contact applies to is civil relationship between subjects with equal status. 第一,合同法适用于处理平等主体之间的民事关系。
- The default scope displayed in the console is that of the deployment manager node. 控制台中显示的缺省范围为部署管理器节点的范围。
- It does not matter as long as it is competitive, and I have equal status with my teammate. 是否竞争激烈对我而言不重要,我需要的是与队友平等的地位。
- God, the women and men equal status, she can be fully enjoyed as a mother, sister, wife, daughter's dignity. 在真主看来,妇女与男子是地位相等的,她可全面享受作为母亲、姊妹、妻子、女儿的尊严。
- At last, this paper depictions the mainly thinking of developing a student status management in detail, and describes the process of actualizing the main functions of this student status management. 最后,本文详细叙述了学籍管理系统的主要设计思路,并对其主要功能的实现过程进行了详细的描述。
- I would like to know if the agent software can be removed froma managed node without using the GUI (Graphical User Interface)? 我希望知道? 欠窨梢栽诓辉诵蠫UI(图形用户界面)的情况下删除管理结点上的代理软件?