- Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea?? 赤道几内亚共和国大使馆??
- An island of Equatorial Guinea in the Gulf of Guinea. 比奥科,费尔南多波赤道几内亚的一个岛,位于几内亚湾
- It also names Algeria, Equatorial Guinea and Malaysia. 同样还有阿尔及利亚、赤道几内亚以及马来西亚。
- A member of a people inhabiting Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon. 芳人居住在加蓬、赤道几内亚及喀麦隆的人
- The oil states of Nigeria, Angola and Equatorial Guinea did very badly. 尼日利亚,安哥拉,赤道几内亚等石油国家做得非常之差。
- The building has become a new landmark in the capital of Equatorial Guinea. 该建筑已成为赤几首都的新地标。
- Equatorial Guinea, most of which is an island off western Africa, will pay for the contract. 赤道几内亚的大部分领土是非洲西部海岸外的一座岛屿,上述合同所需经费将由该国支付。
- The Company also contracted the project of residential buildings in Equatorial Guinea. 在赤道几内亚,公司还承建了住宅项目。
- The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea, on Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea. It was founded by the British in1827. Population,30, 710. 马拉博,圣伊莎贝拉赤道几内亚的首都和最大城市,位于几内亚湾的比奥科。1827年由英国人建城。人口30,710
- Equatorial Guinea held its first legislative elections in August 1983, the sole one in more than 19 years. 1983年8月赤几举行19年来的第一次议会选举。
- In December 1963 they were merged again, to form Equatorial guinea, with a limited measure of self-government. 1963年12月两省合并,组成赤道几内亚,并开始实行“内部自治”。
- IT IS hard to know why Equatorial Guinea goes to the bother of holding elections. 很难理解为什么赤道几内亚为何不厌其烦地选举。
- The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea,on Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea. It was founded by the British in 1827. Population,30,710. 马拉博,圣伊莎贝拉赤道几内亚的首都和最大城市,位于几内亚湾的比奥科。1827年由英国人建城。人口30,710。
- Equatorial Guinea's closest allies seem to be North Korea and Cuba, and it was once the brunt of State Department jokes as the worst overseas post. 赤道几内亚最亲密的盟国好像是朝鲜和古巴,国务院有些人开玩笑时曾首当其冲地戏称该国为最差的海外岗位。
- Methods 46 cases coinfected with HIV/HBV in Bata Regional Hospital, Equatorial Guinea form January 1999 to June 2000 were analyzed. 方法对赤道几内亚巴塔地区医院1999年 1月 - 2 0 0 0年 6月确诊的 4 6例HIV/HBV重叠感染进行分析。
- It gathers six countries of central Africa, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Chad. 它包括了6个该地区国家:喀麦隆,加蓬,刚果,中非共和国,赤道几内亚和乍得。
- This year the State Department added Bangladesh, Equatorial Guinea and Sierra Leone.It also added Venezuela, Guyana and Ecuador. 今年美国国务院则新增加了孟加拉国、赤道几内亚以及塞拉里昂,其他的还有委内瑞拉、圭亚那以及厄瓜多尔。
- Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon border dispute with the Caledonia, Nigeria border dispute are woven together, the problem complicated. 赤几与喀麦隆边界争议与喀、尼边界争端交织在一起,问题错综复杂。
- That year Britain established a base at Malabo (now Equatorial Guinea's capital) to combat the West African slave trade. 那一年欧洲殖民者在今天赤道几内亚的首都马拉博建立了用于进行奴隶贸易的基地。