- Equivalent Service Time 等效服务时延
- Drived by CYCLO Reducer strong and long service time. 由CYCLO减压器驱动,工作时间长且强劲。
- Academy service time from Tuesday to Friday, service by appointment. 学院模特服务时间周二至周五,服务时间需预约确认。
- It receives pressure information from the transmitter on the backplate and then calculates remaining service time. 它在backplate上从传送者那里得到压力讯息然后保持计算服务时间。
- ICU continuously monitors: pressure, temperature, remaining service time, battery capacity and the user's motion. ICU连续显视器︰压力,温度,服务时间,电池能力和用户的运动保持。
- A fuzzy service time (FST) model is adopted to formalize the uncertain service time and deadline of user. 建立了基于模糊集的服务时间模型,并对不确定的服务时间和用户期望完成时间进行形式化描述。
- It is assumed that the arrival time and service time are distributed geometrically. 假定顾客的到达时间和服务时间均服从几何分布。
- The primary purpose of a cache is to reduce service time and increase throughput by reusing the results of a previous computation. cache的主要用途是重用前一次处理得出的结果以减少服务时间和增加吞吐量。
- The systems are featured high automation easy installation, good system stability reliability, easy operation and long service time. 有其出水稳定,占地面积小,自动化程度高,操作简便,运行可靠,寿命长,劳动强度低等特点。
- The formula of Erlang B is inferred to hold for any M/G/C/C system with general service time distribution,but rigorous proof is absent. 理论上推测Erlang B公式对服务时间为任意分布的M/G/C/C系统的呼叫损失概率是有效的但缺乏严格证明。
- The window in the kitchen, bulb and glass service time grow to be able to be fumed by lampblack black, not easy and abluent. 厨房里的窗户、灯泡和玻璃器皿时间一长就会被油烟熏黑,不易洗净。
- The real-time service time provided by EBR is 4.37% more than DD and the network lifecycle is 44.6% longer than DD under the same conditions. 在同等条件下,EBR提供的网络实时服务时间比DD多4.;37%25,采用EBR的网络生命周期比DD长44
- This paper analyzes the statistical characteristic of the request service time, and models the Web server and Web server cluster with M/G/1 FCFS queuing model. 本文分析了Web请求服务时间的数字特性,并使用M/G/1FCFS排队模型对Web服务器及Web集群服务器进行了建模。
- Adopt the cold construction in breeze, economize the movement expenses, Under the special circumstance, and adopt to cool off compulsory, extend service time. 采用风冷式结构,节约运行费用;在特殊情况下,采用强制冷却,延长使用寿命。
- A dime is equivalent to ten pennies. 一角等于十分。
- For the purpose of recovering mineral resources,stabilizing the mine producibility,prolonging the service time,the remained ore carried on open-pit mine. 为了减少爆破震动的影响,维护露天边坡的稳定性,保护地表建筑物、古采矿遗址及相思河河流,对露天采场临近边坡采用控制爆破。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- The relation of acetylene content in the header outlet pipe of convertor with the service time of catalyst in the production of PVC by calcium carbide method was introduced. 介绍了电石法PVC树脂生产中转化器出口总管处的乙炔含量与触媒使用时间的关系。
- The dividend pay is equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit. 所付股息相当于税前利润的四分之一。