- Eridu Genesiacal 埃利都创世纪
- Eridu Genesiac 埃利都创世纪
- The names of these cities speak from a distant and foggy past: Ur, Lagash, Eridu. 这些城池的名称叙述了一个悠远而朦胧的过去:乌尔,拉噶时,俄瑞杜。
- By the Babylonian era, Enki's place was taken by Adapa Uan (the Oannes of Berossus), a human created by Enki as advisor to the first king of Enki's city of Eridu. 在巴比伦时期,伊恩的地位被阿达帕乌安(巴比伦神话中的半人半鱼的可怕怪物),一个由恩奇创造出来的人,是恩奇所在的埃利都市的首位国王的顾问。
- The rich farmland provided a surplus of agricultural goods and any wealth generated was invested in monumental temple buildings, such as those found at Eridu, Uruk and Ur. 富饶的土地提供了过剩的农业商品,任何财富的产生都投资入建造纪念性的庙宇中,例如是那些发现于伊里都、乌鲁克和乌尔。
- A more recent theory is based on firm evidence that the original city named "Babel" was not Babylon, but rather the far older Eridu south of Ur, where there is a very large and abandoned ziggurat. 一种更新近的理论是建立在起初一座名为“巴别”的城市的基础上,而不是巴比伦,而是吾尔南部更加古老的伊利都,那里有非常大量和荒废的金字形神塔。
- Genesiacal of crystalline structure Genesiacal 晶体结构的起源
- Genesiac of crystalline structure Genesiac 晶体结构的起源
- 3800 Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur. 3800年,苏美尔的城市文明开始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,连同着伊利都和尼普一起开始。
- soil Genesiacal 土壤发生(学)
- petroleum Genesiacal 石油成因
- oil Genesiacal 石油成因
- social Genesiacal 社会超源
- Genesiacal of soice-ty 社会的起源
- elective Genesiacal 选择发生
- landform Genesiacal 地貌成因
- social Genesiac 社会超源
- petroleum Genesiac 石油成因
- elective Genesiac 选择发生
- landform Genesiac 地貌成因