- The establishment of Ming Dynasty, however, did not actually bring with it the expected brightness. 明朝建立了,实际上光明并没有到来。
- It was deseribed as medicine in ChinaHerBa Medica of Ming Dynasty. 在古中国明朝时期的河北地区有人把它描述成一种良药。
- Establishment of Ming Dynasty 明朝建立
- Where are the Hats and Clothes of Ming Dynasty Nowadays? 大明衣冠今何在?
- Family Troupes are important group of Ming Dynasty opera performance. 摘要私人家乐是明代戏曲演出之重要群体。
- Income and outgo of Ming Dynasty’s officers was severely unbalanced, 3. 2、明代官员的收支严重失衡;
- The King of Africa sent two giraffes to the emperor of Ming dynasty as present. 非洲国王送给明朝皇帝一个皇室的礼物:两只长颈鹿。
- Broadsword of Ming dynasty style,can be considered as the avatar of practice of steel and art. 明代风格的大刀;可以理解为钢铁的实用与艺术的化身.
- In HongWu of the beginning of Ming Dynasty, many families migrated to ZiBo in ShanDong Province from ZaoQiang in HeBei Province. 摘要明洪武年间,河北枣强有些姓氏远迁至山东淄博。
- We can probe into the tendency of the geography of Ming Dynasty by studying them. 通过对这些文献的分析研究,我们可以窥见明代地理学的发展趋向。
- Moreover, the emperors of Ming Dynasty increased the strike against heresy by issuing edicts and decrees. 而且,明代皇帝还通过颁发敕令、谕旨等特别规范,加重对邪教的打击力度。
- Tang Xianzu, a playwright of Ming Dynasty in 16th Century, was the coeval of Shakespeare of Britain. 16世纪明代的汤显祖与英国的莎士比亚是同时代人。
- In the middle of Ming Dynasty , most of authors imitated classical literature by rote. 明代中期,文坛上摹拟、雕缋之风极盛,士人不受其影响者盖少。
- The establishment of that school took five years. 兴建那所学校花了五年的时间。
- A fiction anthology of Ming Dynasty is a collection of novels or short stories of a fictionist. 本文以明代小说选本为研究对象,对二十二种明代小说选本进行分析比较。
- The second chapter is the calligraphy of the remanent literators of Ming Dynasty. 明遗民书法在国变之后进入“游于艺”的境界,又有“遇小物时通大道”的追求。
- Moreover, most of the swords we see today are that of Qing Dynasty, much less of Ming Dynasty. 而另外,我们所见过的刀剑大多数都是来自清朝的,明朝的都已经很少见。
- The idea of Qu in the classical Chinese opera remained in its dominance until the middle of Ming dynasty. 摘要中国古代戏曲的“曲”本体观念一直到明代中叶仍然占据主导地位。
- Xiaojing who was a doctor of Ming dynasty explained the vital-gate theory and primordial-qi theory. 明代医家肖京阐发命门与元气学说,认为命门是人身之太极,是生命活动的原动力;
- British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire. 英国的殖民主义成就了幅员辽阔的大英帝国。