- Esthetic imageries 审美意象
- Furthermore, flute-sound is often associated with the moon and plums, forming the most typical aesthetic imagery in poetry of the Tang Dynasty. 笛声又与月亮、梅花等意象组合在一起,成为唐诗中深具味外之味的审美意象。
- Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry. 两种活动都要求美感和匀称性。
- The esthetic conception is programmatic. 在美学上追求标题性构思。
- That armchair is comfortable but not very esthetic. 那张扶手椅坐起来舒服,但不太美观。
- My esthetic standards are quite different from his. 我的审美标准与他的大不相同。
- I want to have the esthetic house ! 我要有感觉的房子!
- Preserves the esthetic interest and so on. 保存审美趣味等。
- Reestablish Aesthetic Imagery in Classic Poetry 古典诗歌审美意象的建构与重建
- The computer-generated imageries(CGI) are excellent. 电脑特技做得非常的棒。
- It was also a work with a self-confident esthetic style. 它形成了自身鲜明的美学品格。
- The experts judged their dance by esthetic standards. 专家们用美学的标准来评价他们的舞蹈。
- A considerable affront against esthetic sensibilities. 这是对审美情趣公然的对抗。
- From the esthetic view, it was a beautiful continent. 从美学的观点来看,那是一个美丽的大陆。
- There are many imageries in the bible describing a church as a family. 圣经中有许多比喻形容教会是一家人。
- On the Aesthetic Imagery of the Art of Reading Aloud 论朗读艺术的审美意象
- Esthetic culture: From traditional shape to modern shape production! 审美文化:从传统形态向现代形态的生成!
- Adopt the engineering plastics,the surface is smooth, esthetic and magnificent. 主体采用阻燃工程塑料,表面光滑、美观气派。
- Objective:To explore the relation of gingivopl asty and esthetic dentistry. 目的:探讨牙龈成形外科与美容牙科的关系。
- Not only the entire tumor was resected, but also the epicranium and esthetic. 该法既能保证彻底切除瘤体,又能避免头发缺失和供皮区带来的美容缺陷和瘢痕增生。