- Eucdy ptus 桉树
- Yes, need to call police or PTU to keep order, otherwise... 不过唔知洗唔洗事先伸请呢?最惊有人误以为...
- PTU officers also assisted in policing the more-than-usual number of fireworks displays held in 1997 and undertook anti-crime patrols and anti-illegal immigration operations. 警察机动部队人员又为年内次数比平常多的烟花汇演提供警力,并肩负打击罪案的巡逻及反非法入境行动。
- It has superior results in turning positive TRAb into negative to mulitple doses of MMI and PTU. TRAb转阴较分次服药和服用PTU有明显的优越性。
- The PTU and the exact location of the dates are shared memory, to third-party data sharing. 上位机软件负责计算探空仪的位置,并将该探空仪的准确位置与PTU的数据以共享内存的方式,与第三方实现数据的共享。
- After analyzing micro instruction flows in protected mode, we put forward a kind of cell group structure for PTU. 设计拥有我国自主版权的微处理器在国防及民用有着重大意义,保护测试单元PTU是支持微处理器运行于保护模式的重要部件。
- A retrospective analysis was carried out in 10 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positive patients treated with propylthiouracil (PTU). 回顾性分析10例丙基硫氧嘧啶(PTU)相关的抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(ANCA)阳性患者的临床资料。
- The I50 of phenyl thiourea (PTU) to the activity of tyrosinase is 0.15mmol/L, phenyl thiourea(PTU) is special inhibitor of tyrosinase. 苯基硫脲(phenylthiourea;PTU)对家蝇的抑制中浓度(I50)值为0.;15mmol/L;为酪氨酸酶特异性抑制剂;
- The Regional PTU Company provides a ready reserve to deal with threats to internal security situations and natural disasters. 警察机动部队驻总区大队是一个后备单位,随时为处理内部保安情况及自然灾难提供支援。
- Hong Kong's Police Tactical Unit (PTU) are specially trained anti-riot troops, drawn in rotation by the district constables. 香港警察机动部队(PTU)是经过特殊训练的防暴部队,由各区轮流抽调的警员组成。
- In patients with PTU induced ANCA positive vasculitis group, 10 of the 11 patients in active phase were AECA positive and 7 of the 10 patients turned to negative in remission. PTU相关ANCA阳性小血管炎组患者疾病活动期共有10(91%25,10/11)例病人血清可检出AECA,有6种不同的蛋白可以被识别。
- Methods Replicated the hypothyroid rat model with propylthiouracil (PTU),and then detected the positive cells of PCD in sections by TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling. 方法 用丙基硫氧嘧啶( P T U)复制甲状腺功能低下的大鼠动物模型,然后用原位末端标记方法检测 P C D 阳性细胞。
- Objective To study the changes of thyroid function of hyperthyroidism in pregnancies,and the effects on gestation and the fetus with propylthiouracil(PTU). 目的探讨妊娠合并甲亢患者孕期病情变化,以及丙基硫氧嘧啶治疗对妊娠及胎儿的影响。
- And To has pushed the question further in PTU by making Lo identity more flexible and fluid as Lo exchanges his identity with Ponytail through cell phones. 谁又能在每次转折,选择时给出一个承诺,说这座城由我守卫,在我的带领之下它一定有一个美好的未来?
- PTU poll showed that 90 per cent of schools did not support the specialized teaching scheme.Mr.Li sent out his own questionnaire, asking the schools' option. 教协问卷调查显示,九成学校反对专科教学计划,所以他自行发问卷,要求学校就计划表态。
- On a daily, non-emergency basis, the PTU is deployed on front-line street patrols to supplement District resources to tackle identified crime black spots. 队员在平日则会被调派到各区协助打击罪案黑点。
- During the year,the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) played a major role in crowd management during large-scale public events such as the opening of the Tsing Ma Bridge,the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 年内,警察机动部队曾为多项大型公众活动,例如青屿干线开幕、交接仪式和世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,执行人群管理工作。
- During the year, the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) played a major role in crowd management during large-scale public events such as the opening of the Tsing Ma Bridge, the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 年内,警察机动部队曾为多项大型公众活动,例如青屿干线开幕、交接仪式和世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,执行人群管理工作。
- The results showed that both TU and PTU can be adsorbed on the iron electrode surface and the inhibition of PTU is better than TU in 0 1mol/L KCl solution. The adsorption mode of TU and PTU is similar in the interaction of S atom and iron surface. 结果表明,在0.;1mol/LKCl溶液中,上述两种缓蚀剂均能吸附在铁的表面,对铁起缓蚀作用,二者在铁表面的吸附模式基本相似,系通过分子中的硫原子与金属铁作用。
- Methods 47 cases of pregnant women with hyperthyroidism were divided into the treatment group receiving anti-thyroid drug PTU and the non-treatment group, and 30 cases of normal pregnant women served as control. 方法 妊娠合并甲亢 2 7例行丙基硫氧嘧啶 (PTU)治疗 ,为治疗组 ; 另外 2 0例 ,未给予治疗 ,为未治疗组 ;