- Euglena intermedia var. intermedian. 中型裸藻原变种
- Euglena intermedia var. acidophilan. 中型裸藻嗜酸变种
- Euglena intermedian. 中型裸藻
- Lappula intermedia(Ledeb.)M.Pop. 单列刺赖毛子
- Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A.Mey. 中麻黄
- E phedra intermedia Schrek ex Mey. 中麻黄
- An organism,such as a euglena,that is equipped with a flagellum. 一种生物,例如鞭毛虫,有鞭毛
- An organism, such as a euglena, that is equipped with a flagellum. 一种生物,例如鞭毛虫,有鞭毛
- In humans, the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region. 人的脑垂体中间部是不发达的。
- In humans , the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region. 人的脑垂体中间部是不发达的。
- There are many euglena viridis algae in the water, which makes the water green. 水里有好多的眼虫,把水面都染绿了。
- Euglena water bloom also appeared V waterway waters in the summer and autumn. 形水道水域夏秋季水面也出现裸藻水华。
- Oracle(R) interMedia User's Guide and Reference Release 9.2[Z].2001 - 6. 徐青;等.;近代摄影测量[M];北京:解放军出版社;2000;2
- INTERMEDIA is a European project that aims at user-centric multi media access. INTERMEDIA是目的用户中心多媒体导入的欧洲项目。
- In Chlamydomonas it is just inside the chloroplast;in Euglena it is near the base of the flagellum. 眼点的位置各不相同,在衣藻中,它位于叶绿体内,在裸藻中眼点临近鞭毛基部。
- Thus Euglena shows a diurnal rhythm in the speed at which it moves to a light source. 当眼虫被放在强光下时,仍能表现出昼夜节律。
- Carolyn Moynihan is Deputy Editor of MercatorNet. She attended the congress courtesy of Intermedia. 卡罗琳?莫尼汉是棱镜网英文版的副主编,她应传媒咨询之邀出席了大会。
- Any of various minute single-celled freshwater organisms of the genus Euglena, characterized by the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot, and a single anterior flagellum. 眼虫藻,裸藻一种眼虫属的各种微小单细胞淡水微生物,该属的特点是存在叶绿素、红眼点和单一的前部鞭毛
- Dr Villegas is also president of Intermedia, a Rome-based consultancy and co-organiser of the congress. 比列加斯博士还是传媒咨询的总裁,而传媒咨询则是设在罗马的一个顾问咨询机构,也是这次大会的组织者之一。
- Any of various minute single-celled freshwater organisms of the genus Euglena,characterized by the presence of chlorophyll,a reddish eyespot,and a single anterior flagellum. 眼虫藻,裸藻一种眼虫属的各种微小单细胞淡水微生物,该属的特点是存在叶绿素、红眼点和单一的前部鞭毛。