- The European Union is nothing short of a miracle. 欧盟是一个不折不扣的奇迹。
- European union wave 欧盟浪潮
- The country has withdrawn from the European Union. 那个国家退出了欧洲共同体。
- France is a member nation of the European Union. 法国是欧盟的成员国。
- Voters in Norway reject European Union membership. 1994年,挪威国内的投票者拒绝欧盟成员国。
- At customs of any European Union countries. 在欧盟国家的任何一个海关都行。
- The European Union needs to know. 欧洲联盟必须了解。
- The European Union has also expressed concern. 欧联邦也表示了同样的关注。
- Ukraine was admitted to the European Union. 乌克兰被准许加入欧盟。
- The country applied for full membership of the European Union. 这个国家申请成为欧洲联盟的正式成员。
- Will Turkey be permitted to join the European Union? 土耳其是否将获准加入欧盟?
- We act as your Sole Representative in the European Union. 我们可担任贵公司在欧盟的唯一代理。
- Voters in Sweden decide to join the European Union in a referendum. 1994年的今天,在瑞典举行的全民投票结果决定该国加入欧盟。
- In 1997, the European Union started funding the project. 1997年,欧盟开始资助该计划。
- He also said that Kosovo would seek to join the European Union. 他还说科索沃将寻求加入欧盟。
- Education Policy of European Union: A Kind of Supranational Policy? 欧盟的教育政策:一种超国家层面的教育政策?
- EEA members can freely trade with the European Union. EEA的成员可以与欧盟进行自由贸易。
- European Union officials call the arrest of Karadzic a milestone. 欧盟官员称逮捕卡拉季奇是一个里程碑。
- The European Union is not a coessential economic space. 欧盟不是一个同质的经济空间。
- The European Union is China's biggest trade partener. 欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴。